

  • 00:00:00
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Course code

INFO 13022

Key Facts

Computer Programming (Java)

Current Students

To access your official course details for the year you started your Diploma, please visit the handbook

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to develop a basic understanding of computer programming

Course Content

Introduction to Programming

A brief history and types of programming languages, Program Design Process, Introduction to Algorithms, Representation of Algorithms using Pseudo codes and Flow-Charts 

Introduction to High-Level Languages

The First Program, Edit-Compile-Run Cycle, Standard Classes, Sample Development

Variables, Data Types, and Expressions

Identifier rules, Naming variables, Constants (final) and references, Primitive data types, Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Relational and Logical Operators

Program control flow

Sequence structure, Selection structure, Repetition structure, Jump (Sequence) structure


Java API and Package/Library methods, User-defined methods, Scope and duration, Local and Field variables, Pass-by-value, Pass-by-reference, Recursion, Overloading


Declaration and allocation, Passing arrays to methods, Sorting, Searching, Multiple-subscripted

Characters and Strings

Characters, Strings, Pattern Matching and Regular Expression, The Pattern and Matcher classes, Comparing Strings, StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes

File Input and Output

File and JFile Chooser Objects, Low-Level File I/O, High-Level File I/O, Object I/O


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