The Palm Leaf Manuscript Study and Research Library
The Palm Leaf Manuscript Study and Research Library, under the Faculty of Social Sciences engaged in digital preservation of manuscript heritage of the country and provide facilities for the scholars to study and research on Palm Leaf Manuscripts. It was declared open 08th December 2010. The main purpose of the PLMSR Library copy write and digitalize and preserve the palm leaf manuscripts. However, this library has copied and digitization more than 600,000 manuscript soft copies (digital copies) up to date, and preserved 350+ physical manuscripts from island wide donations. This digital and physical book collection includes the thripitaka, buddihism, attakathas, teekas, literature and various kind of medication, astrological and black magic manuscripts. Also this library provide the lot of information for undergraduates, internal and external researchers, foreign researchers, book editors and etc. Specially, some final year students in the university finalize their thesis from our manuscript details. Fifteen students have already completed their thesis through this library up to date. However, this is the first and only one library in the university level about Island wide Palm Leaf digitalization.
Nevertheless, you can contribute to our endeavor to preserve Sri Lanka's perishable treasures, which are now extinct and endangered. If you have elastic palm leaf manuscripts in your possession please give us the resources. we can preserve them and save them for future generations. We invite you to be a part of that noble work.
Anyone can visit our library in week days without permision (if only visit), Further If you want refer or contribute our socrces for your investigation or research and want to study the library, first of all you will have to get the permision (via inwriting letter) from the Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, university of Kelaniya. After that you can study, refer or use our library. Possibly soft copies wiil not allowed use out of library.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer adipiscing erat eget risus sollicitudin pellentesque et non erat. Maecenas nibh dolor, malesuada et bibendum a, sagittis accumsan ipsum.