ECON 21414 - Microeconomics I
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Recognize and understand the alternative definitions and the methodology of Economics
2. Describe how consumers make consumption decisions under the given conditions
3. Identify the behavior of rational producers and the relationship between production and cost.
4. Describe how firms operate under different market models.

Course Content :

1. Introduction: Scope and Methodology

2. Theory of Consumer Behavior:
 Theory Marginal Utility
 Indifference Curves Analysis
 Reveal Preference Theory

3. Theory of Production and Cost: Introduction
 Long Term Production and Cost Functions
 Relationship between Short Term and Long Term Cost Curves
 Analysis of Iso-quant Curves, Factor Price Curve, Production and Substitution Effect

4. Market Models:
 Perfect Competition: Long Term Equilibrium and Long Term Supply Function
 Monopoly: Nature of Supply, Price Discrimination

5. Comparison of Perfect Competition and Monopoly: Dead Weight loss in Monopoly
ECON 21424 - Mathematics for Economics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Understand and use the mathematics required for studying economics at the undergraduate level.

2. Use appropriate techniques to solve problems with calculus and linear algebra.

3. Use basic computational methods in Matrix algebra.

Course Content :

1. Functions and their diagrammatic presentation: Simple Linear Functions, Linear Simultaneous functions, Non-linear Functions, Quadratic Equations, Other Type of Non-linear Equations (Logarithmic, Polynomial, Power, Exponential), Non-linear Simultaneous Equations.

2. Matrix Algebra: Vectors and Matrices, rank of a matrix, special matrices, Determinant of a matrix, minors and cofactors, transpose and the inverse, Solving simultaneous linear equations using matrix algebra, Cramer’s rule.

3. Differentiation: Limits and continuity of functions,the slope of a curve and differentiation, derivative of a function, rules of differentiation, Differentiation of Exponential and Logarithmic functions. Stationary points, maxima, minima and points of inflexion of functions, multivariate functions, partial derivatives, first order partial derivatives, second order partial derivatives, first order and second order conditions for maxima and minima.Constrained Optimization: Substitution method, Lagrange Multiplier Method. First order condition and the Bordered Hessian.

4. Integration: Integration as the reverse of differentiation, Basic Rules of Integration, Integration by Parts, Integration by Substitution, Definite Integration, Applications of Integration.
ECON 21434 - Comparative Economic Systems and Policies
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Describe Economic development of European nations, USA, Japan, China, newly industrialized countries and emerging market economies

2. Identify various stages of economic development of above countries and their economic policies.

3. Understand various economic systems implemented by said countries i.e. traditional, command, market and mixed. systems

Course Content :

1. Evolution of economic development of great European powers namely England, France, Germany and Russia by major economic sectors from modern times to date

2. Economic development experiences of the United States, Japan, India and China.

3. Newly industrialized countries and Emerging market Economies.

4. Stages of economic development and economic policies of above countries

5. Comparative study of economic systems such as conventional, command, liberal and mixed systems that prevailed in said economies
ECON 21444 - Basic Statistics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Demonstrate the ability to apply fundamental concepts in exploratory data analysis Design studies for obtaining data whilst avoiding common design flaws that incur bias, inefficiency and confounding.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of probability and probability distributions.

3. How to calculate and apply measures of location and measures of dispersion -- grouped and ungrouped data cases.

Course Content :

1. Introduction

2. population and sample

3. Sampling methods

4. Data collection

5. Data presentation

6. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

7. Basic probability and probability Distribution

8. Correlation Theory

9. Hypotheses testing

10. Simple Linear Regression analysis

11. Time Series Analysis

12. Index numbers

13. Statistical estimations
ECON 22414 - Macroeconomics I
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able:

1. Identify the behaviour of macroeconomic variables.

2. Describe the concepts of aggregate demand and aggregate supply and determine how they interact in a simple economy, a closed economy and an open economy.

3. Recognize the multiplier effect in a simple economy and a closed economy.

4. Describe the determinants of the demand for money, the supply of money and interest rates by applying classical and Keynesian theories.

5. Identify the practical validity of classical and Keynesian theories

Course Content :

1. Introduction: Scope of Macroeconomics

2. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

3. Consumption Function

4. Saving Function, Tax Function and Import Function

5. Determination of Equilibrium National Income: Simple Closed and Open Economy

6. National Income Multiplier, Tax Multiplier, Balance Budget Multiplier, Transfer Payment Multiplier

7. Money:
 Role of Money in Classical Theory
 Classical Quantity Theory of Money: Fisher Version, Cambridge Version
 Keynesian Theory of Demand for Money

8. Determination of Rate of Interest:
 Classical Theory
 Keynesian Theory
ECON 22424 - Economic Thought
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Understand economic thought influenced during pre-modern, early modern and modern periods in Western European countries

2. Understand ancient Economic thought of Indian. Chinese and Islamic i. e. Buddhist Thought, Kautilya’s Ideas, and Ideas of Confucius and Islamic economics,

3. Explain classical and neo-classical economic views such as Physiocracy, mercantilism, liberalism, Marxism, neo liberalism and social market system

4. Describe Keynesian and neo- Keynesian s economic thoughts

5. Explain new economic theories and models developed by Austrian school of economics and Chicago school of economics

Course Content :

1. Economics ideas of early thinkers in Europe Pre-Adam Smith Thinkers; Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, Plato and Islamic views

2. Ancient Oriental Economic Thought; Buddhist Thought, Kautilya’s Ideas, Ideas of Confucius,

3. Thoughts and Ideas of Classical Greek Thinkers,

4. Utilitarianism, Mercantilism and nationalism:

5. Physiocrats and the circular flow,

6. Adam Smith and the Lazier fare policy, ideas of Ricardo and Malthus,

7. Marxian economics, Bentham’s idea, Mao’s and DengXiaoping’s economic thought,

8. Keynesian economics and Milton Freidman’s ideas

9. Neo-liberalism and Social democratic system

10. Thoughts of Austrian school of Economics, Chicago school of Economics and Cambridge school. of Economics
ECON 22434 - The Economy of Sri Lanka
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Describe the historical evolution of the economy of Sri Lanka since the independence

2. Understand contemporary economic issues in the economy of Sri Lanka

Course Content :

1. The structure of the Sri Lankan economy at the time of gaining independency

2. Economic policies and plan adopted by Sri Lanka after independence

3. Issues and prospects of agricultural, industrial and services sectors

4. External trade and problem of Balance of payments

5. Foreign aid, Foreign debt and Foreign Direct Investment

6. Trends in population and related issues

7. Employment, unemployment and inflation

8. Poverty

9. Rural Economic Development: Micro Finances

10. Regional economic co-operation

11. World economic trends and prospects.
ECON22444 - International Economics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Understand theoretical base of International Economics and basic tools used for analysis

2. Describe global economic system in view of production, trade directions and business

3. Understand classical, neo classical and new trade theories

4. Interpret Factor Price Equalization Theory, Rebyzenyki (Rybczynski ?) Theory and Stolfer and Samuelsson theory

5. Understand new trade theories

6. Describe the relationship between international trade and economic growth

7. Understand trade policies in view of tariff and non-tariff policies and its economic and welfare effects

Course Content :

1. An introduction to International Economics

2. Theoretical base of International Economics

3. Classical and Neo-classical trade theories on International trade

4. Rebyzenyki (Rybczynski ?) Theory, Factor Price Equalization Theory and Stolfer and Samuelsson theory

5. Terms of Trade Equilibrium and Offer Curves

6. International Trade and economic Growth

7. New trade models on International trade

8. Tariff policy and its economic and welfare effects

9. Non-tariff policy and its effects

10. Liberal Trade Policy and Arguments for Protection
ECON 22454 - Econometrics I
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Understand the relationship between Econometrics and Economic theory, Statistics and Mathematical Economics

2. Describe the methodology of econometric research

3. Differentiate the deterministic models and stochastic models

4. Construct and estimate two variable and multivariable linear regression models

5. Interpret the estimated models

6. Forecast with the estimated models

7. Conduct test for the assumption of linear regression models

8. Construct and estimate nonlinear regression models

9. Estimate econometric models using computer software

Course Content :

1. Introduction, scope and methodology of Econometrics

2. Simple Regression Models: introduction; specification of simple linear regression models, estimation of models using Ordinary Least Square Method, interpretation of estimates, statistical inference in the linear regression models, prediction with the simple linear regression models.

3. Multiple Regression Models: introduction; specification of multiple linear regression models, estimation of models using Ordinary Least Square Method, interpretation of estimates, statistical inference in the linear regression models, prediction with the multiple linear regression models.

4. Nonlinear Regression Models: introduction; intrinsically linear regression models (ILRMs), and intrinsically nonlinear regression models (INLRMs), estimation of intrinsically linear and intrinsically nonlinear regression models, interpretation of estimates.

5. Multicollinearity: introduction, sources of Multicolinearity, test for Multicolinearity, consequences of Multicolinearity, solutions for Multicolinearity.

6. Heteroscadasticity: introduction, sources of Heteroscadasticity, test for Heteroscadasticity, consequences of Heteroscadasticity, solutions for Heteroscadasticity.

7. Autocorrelation: introduction, sources of autocorrelation, test for autocorrelation, consequences of autocorrelation, solutions for autocorrelation.

8. Estimation of econometric models using computer software.
ECON 31414 - Microeconomics II
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:

1. Explain through the use of mathematical and graphical analysis, the theory of consumer behavior

2. Discuss the theory of production cost and firm efficiency under different market structures

3. Identify characteristics of four different market structures

4. Analysis of determiistics factors of income distribution and price

Course Content :

1. Introduction

2. Adam Smith Paradox of Value: Solutions from Neo-marginalists for problem of Paradox of Value

3. Utility Maximization: Mathematical Approach

4. Income and Substitution Effect:

 Compensating Variation and Equivalent Variation
 Hicksian and Slutsky methods
 Identify Normal , Inferior and Geffen Goods

5. New Theories on Consumer Behavior

6. Production Functions:

 Cobb-Douglas
 Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES)

7. Market Models:
 Monopolistic / Imperfect Competition: Short Term and Long Term Equilibrium
 Oligopoly Market Models
 Duopoly Market Models

8. Indices of Market Concentration: Herfindhal and Hirschman

9. Theory of Distribution:
 Determination of Income Distribution
 Theory of Factor Price Determination
ECON 31424 - Mathematical Techniques for Economic Analysis
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Understand the applications of functions, equations, and graphs in economics

2. Apply the knowledge in calculus to find maxima and minima of functions.

3. Use the knowledge in integration in solving economic problems.

4. Demonstrate the use of matrix algebra in the economic analysis.

5. Develop a knowledge base for applications of mathematics of finance

Course Content :

1. Economic applications of Graphs and Equations, Functions: Demand functions, Supply functions, Revenue functions, Investment functions, Consumption functions. Growth and Decay function

2. Linear models and matrix algebra: solving linear economic models, input-output model, IS-LM model, market equilibrium.

3. Understanding the concept of derivative and economic applications of derivatives.

4. Univariate optimization: Profit, Revenue and Cost functions.

5. Introduction to partial differentiation and Economic applications of Partial derivatives.

6. Economic applications of integration: Computing Revenue functions, cost functions, Consumption functions, saving functions and investment functions.

7. Economic applications of definite integrals: consumer surplus, producer surplus, computation of Gini coefficient.

8. Constrained optimization: The substitution method, Lagrange multiplier method, Production Functions and utility functions, Cost functions.

9. Financial Mathematics: Computation of Present value, Net Present Value, IRR, Calculation of monthly repayment and the APR for a loan, Calculation the value of an annuity
ECON 31434 - Applied Economics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Evaluate the economic performance of Sri Lanka

2. Identify contemporary economic issues in Sri Lanka

3. Examine the effectiveness of economic policies and programs followed by Sri Lanka

4. Identify the global challenges affect on Economy of Sri Lanka.

5. Recognize the appropriate policies and strategies for the economic development of Sri Lanka

Course Content :

1. Scope of the Subject

2. Criteria used in evaluation of the performance of an economic system

3. The economic performance of Sri Lanka post-independence

4. Factors and constraints affected Economic growth and development

5. Economic policies and programs implemented by the Sri Lanka since independence.

6. Challenges face by Sri Lanka under new global economic trends

7. Appropriate economic policies and strategies for Sri Lanka
ECON 31444 - Research Methodology
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:

6. Explain the behavior of research methodology for Social Sciences

7. Discuss the theories and applications

8. Describe the ethics of social research

9. Clarify the role of social researchers

10. Understand scientific methods

11. Write a literature review/research paper 

Course Content :

1. Introduction to research methodology for Social Sciences

2. Social research: a historical overview and Types of Social research

3. Aims and Motives of Social research

4. Ethics in Social research

5. Literature review and constructing research hypotheses

6. Scientific method (deductive and inductive methods)

7. Quantitative and qualitative methods

8. Research cycles and design

9. Four principles (validity, reliability, precision and accuracy)

10. Research measurements and analysis
ECON 31454 - Computer Applications for Economics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. understand the functions of a computer system

2. Obtain the knowledge on computer Software and Hardware

3. learn the fundamental data analysis methods using software

4. understand database management system

5. identify the data communication and computer networks

6. understand aspects of information technology in economics

Course Content :

1. Introduction to computer systems: Basic components and functions of the computer system, simple architecture of a computer, number systems.

2. Software and Hardware: System Software, Application software, Compiler, Interpreter, System utility Software, operating system.

3. Brief introduction to Hardware.

4. Computer Languages: High level languages, Low level languages and Object oriented Languages.

5. An introduction to Data Communication and Computer Networks: Data Communication, different types of computer networks, network topologies, data communication Hardware system, advantages of computer networks, applications of computer networks.

6. Data presentation and analysis using MS Excel (Using data analysis icon?): Working with spreadsheets, functions, Pivot tables, graphs. (t test, Anova?)

7. Brief introduction to statistical data analysis software: STATA/SPSS/EVIEVES.

8. Introduction to database management systems: Data, database, types of databases, database management systems.

9. MS ACCESS: Creating Relational database, working with tables, forms and quires, Generating reports.

10. Introduction to Information Technology Applications
ECON 32414 - Macroeconomics II
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:

1. Identify the subject matter and methodology of macroeconomics

2. Define and Compute the multiplier in a simple, a closed and an open economy

3. Understand the concept of Marginal Efficiency of Capital (MEC)

4. Explain the theories of inflation and employment

5. Illustrate the use of the IS-LM analysis in determining macroeconomic equilibrium

6. Identify the role of fiscal and monetary policy in achieving goals of macroeconomics.

Course Content :

1. Evolution of Macroeconomics Study Field

2. National Income Multiplier, Tax Multiplier, Transfer Payment Multiplier, Balance Budget Multiplier Importance and Calculation

3. Employment:
 Classical Theory
 Keynesian Theory
 Neo-classical Theory

4. Investment:
 Marginal Efficiency of Investment

5. Macroeconomic Equilibrium –IS-LM Analysis: Simple, Closed and Open Economy

6. Inflation: Theories on Inflation

7. Phillips Analysis of Inflation and Unemployment: Short Term and long Term Phillips Curve

8. Economic Growth: Macroeconomic Policies
ECON 32424 - Probability and Statistics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Understand the concept of the sampling distribution of a statistics, and in particular describe the behavior of the sample mean.

2. Understand the foundations for classical inference involving confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.

3. Apply inferential methods relating to the means of Normal distributions

4. How to apply discrete and continuous probability distributions to various business problems

Course Content :

1. Discrete Probability Distributions

2. Continuous Probability Distributions

3. Introduction to Statistical Inference

4. Sampling Distribution of Sample Statistics

5. Statistical Inference with Two Populations

6. Analysis of Variance

7. Chi-square Tests

8. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control

9. Non-parametric Tests
ECON 32434 - International Finance and Institutions
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:

1. Describe main components of Balance of payments (BOP) and its adjustment policies

2. Describe determination of foreign exchange rates, foreign exchange risk and forecasting.

3. Identify role of multi-national organizations

4. Understand the creation of regional trading arrangements and economic integration

5. Explain the formation of regional trading blocs i.e. EU, SAPTA and NAFTA

6. Describe determination of bi lateral and multi-lateral trade agreements

7. Describe functions of world Bank, International Monitory fund (IMF) and World Trade Organization

8. Analyze trade problems and trade policy in Sri Lanka

Course Content :

1. Balance of payments and Its adjustment policies

2. Exchange rates, Risk and Forecasting

3. Multi-national Corporations

4. Economic Integration and custom Unions

5. International Money and Finance Market

6. International Monitory fund (IMF), World Trade Organization and World Bank

7. Foreign Debt, Aid and Foreign Direct Investments

8. Foreign exchange market and ? international trade

9. Trade problems in Sri Lanka

10. Trade policies in Sri Lanka
ECON 32444 - Monetary Economics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:

1. Identify the scope and the subject matter

2. Understand the formation of the operation of money market and capital market

3. Gain knowledge about the process of demand and supply of money

4. Discuss the stock market operations as a component of capital market

5. Review the role of commercial bank and the process of money creation

6. Explain role and function of the central bank

7. Describe the mechanism of financial intermediation

8. Discuss evolution and classification of high technology banking methods

Course Content :

1. Introduction to Monetary Economics

2. Financial Market: Operation of Capital Market and Money Market

3. Capital Market: Stock Market

4. Money Market: Commercial Banks, Money Creation Process of Commercial Banks

5. Money Supply and Money Multiplier

6. Central Bank:
 Role of the Central Bank
 Monetary Policy
 Bank Risk Management and Monitoring Mechanism
 Money Laundering

7. Financial Intermediation
8. Liberalization of Interest Rates
9. High Technology Banking Methods:
 Evolution of High Tech Banking
 Sources of High Tech Banking
 Features of an Internet Banking System
 Cyber Risk and Preventing Strategies
ECON 32454 - Econometrics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to do the following:

1. Describe the methodology of econometric research

2. Formulate and estimate regression models using dummy variables

3. Define the probability models

4. Distinguish between autoregressive and distributed-lag models

5. Estimate autoregressive and distributed-lag models

6. Construct and estimate time series regression models

7. Distinguish between simultaneous equation models and single equation models.

8. Estimation of simultaneous equation systems

Course Content :

1. Introduction and scope of econometrics

2. Dummy Variable Regression Models?: introduction; ANOVA models and ANCOVA models, estimation and the interpretation of estimated models

3. Probability regression analysis: introduction to Linear probability models, Logit models, Probit models and Tobit models

4. Time-series regression: introduction, stationary and non-stationary time series, Unit Root Test, Transforming Non-stationary Time Series

5. Co-integration analysis??

6. Autoregressive and distributed-lag models: introduction, formulation and estimation of Autoregressive and Distributed-lag models

7. .

8. Simultaneous equation models: the nature of simultaneous equation models, variables in the simultaneous equation models, the identification problem, different estimation techniques, estimation of system of equation.
ECON 41414 - Microeconomics III
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:

1. Understand different economic models and their application to the real world

2. Analyze rational behavior of consumers and producers

3. Explain and predict rational individuals behavior in strategic situations

4. Understand how to maximize profit, minimizing costs and optimize business satisfaction in the presence of externalities

Course Content :

1. Introduction

2. Economic Models

3. Risk and Uncertainty

4. Economics of Information: Asymmetric Information

5. Institutional Economics:  Economic Regulations  Transaction Cost and Deregulation

6. Game Theory: Prisoners’ Dilemma and Nash Equilibrium

7. Market Failure: Externalities, Public Goods  Theories of Firm Behavior:  Profit Maximization  Cost Minimization  Perfect Cost Theory  Maintaining Expected Profit  Sales Maximization  Optimizing of Business Satisfaction

8. Strategies of Price Determination
ECON 41424 - Development Economics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate familiarity with some central themes and issues of economic development

2. Understand the difference between growth and development, major growth theories, the measurement of inequality, poverty and population issues in real world, significance of foreign resources and international trade.

3. Analyze the empirical evidence on the patterns of economic development

4. Critically review related literature in the area of economic development 

Course Content :

1. Introduction

2. Analysis of Concepts in Economic Growth, Development and Sustainable Development

3. Measurements of Development

4. Less Development: Causes and Features (Interdependency, Causes and Consequences of Deterioration of Terms of Trade, Deficiency of Capital, Vicious Cycle of Poverty, Pre and post relationships, deficiency of natural resources, neo-colonization and dual gap theory)

5. Models of growth and development: Classical and neo-classical theories (Adam Smith, J.S.Mill, W.W.Rostow, Karl Markx, Harald-Domar , Ragna- Nurks, Big Push Theory, Kaldor Mirrlees (KM) model, Arthur Luis, Fei-Ranis (FR) model, Dixit-Marglin (DM) Model, Jorgenson Model)

6. Population Growth and Development

7. Foreign Resources and Development

8. Education and Development

9. Capital Accumulation, Technical Performance and development
ECON 41434 - Public Finance
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:

1. Understand how and why the government intervenes in economic activities

2. Recognize the appropriate policy tools in public finance

3. Evaluate the impact of fiscal policy and monetary policy

4. Classify public revenue and integrate them into the fiscal and tax system

5. Classify public revenue and expenditure through the budget and analyze the instruments and objectives of budgetary policy.

Course Content :

1. The scope of the subject and its evolution over the time

2. Theories of public revenue and expenditure:

3. Provision of public goods: Price determination of the public sector services

4. Policy tools: Fiscal policy and Monetary Policy

5. Government Revenue and Receipts: Direct and indirect taxes

6. Preparation of the budget

7. Public debt

8. Foreign aid and Foreign Direct Investments

9. Public Investments

10. Privatization
ECON 41444 - Quantitative Techniques and Project Appraisal
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to

1. Identify the necessary decisions in business

2. Employ quantitative and qualitative methods to solve business problems

3. Synthesize information from multiple disciplines in order to solve business problems

Course Content :

Part I – Quantitative Analysis

1. Linear Programming : Graphical Method, Simplex Method, Dual, Big M Method, Sensitivity Analysis,

2. Input – Output Analysis

Part II – Project Appraisal

1. Project Planning

2. Feasibility Study

3. Project Management and Network Analysis

4. Financial Analysis

5. Productivity Analysis

6. Social Cost – Benefit Analysis
 LM Method
 UNIDO Method
ECON 41454 - Welfare Economics
Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:

1. Analyze and discuss main theories of welfare economics

2. Compare different welfare measurements

Course Content :

1. Introduction

2. Partial and General Equilibrium

3. Maximization of Social Welfare:
 Consumer Optimum
 Production Optimum
 Integrated Optimum
 Social Welfare Function
 Maximization of Welfare and Constrained Bliss Point

4. Welfare Criteria
 Pareto Criterion
 Kaldor and Hicks Criterion
 Schitwski Criterion
 Bergson-Samuelson Criterion
 Second Best theory of Lipsey and Lancaster

5. Perfect Competition and Maximization Social Welfare

6. Welfare Measurements
ECON 42414 - Macroeconomics III
Intended Learning Outcome:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to Evaluate classical theory of Economics based on multi-disciplinary

1. Compare and contrast Classical theory and Keynesian theory

2. Distinguish the key features of Keynesian theory and Monetarism

3. Derive macroeconomic equilibrium in an open economy mathematically using IS-LM and BP functions

4. Review post Keynesian theories of macroeconomics.

5. Understand the theories of business cycles.

Course Content :

1. Classical Theory:
 Walrusian Theorem
 Say’s Law
 Real Balance Effect
 Integration of Monetary and Real Sectors

2. Comparison of Classical Theory and Keynesian Theory

3. Monetarism

4. Comparison of Keynesian Theory and Monetarism:

5. IS-LM Model: Mathematical Approach

6. Macroeconomic Equilibrium in an Open Economy with the use of IS-LM and BP Functions: Fiscal and Monetary Policy in an Open Economy

7. Post Keynesian Theory of Consumption

8. Theory of Rational Expectation

9. Supply Side Economic Theories

10. Acceleration Principle

11. Theories on Business Cycle
ECON 42422 - Internship/Institutional Training
Intended Learning Outcome:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to

1. Expose to the working environment

2. Develop their soft skills and make use of their knowledge of economics in carrying out work related activities

Course Content :

 For this programme, it is essential to establish links by the department staff and/or students themselves with government agencies, private enterprises and NonGovernmental Organization (NGOs) in order to provide internship opportunities for all special degree students in their third year. The internship period will be about 3 months.

 Under this programme students are required to work minimum 2 days a week at the assigned institution while on the other days they will attend lectures/ tutorials at the university.
ECON 43428 - Dissertation
Intended Learning Outcome:

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to

1. Identify current economic issues in the national and international level

2. Identify specific research areas and choose self-interested research topic for their independent research study.

3. Develop as a self-directed learners and independent researchers.

4. Recommend relevant policy alternatives Course Content :
 A dissertation of about 8000-10000words of research work should be submitted.
 Students will be given guidance and supervise their work by competent lecturer or lecturers assigned by the department.
 The topic of the research may be selected by the student
 The topic has to be approved by the relevant supervisor and the Head of the Department.
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