B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Professor in Economics)
Teaching Interests
Intermediate Microeconomics, Advanced Microeconomics, Mathematics for Economics
Research Interests
Development Economics: Rural Economy, Food security.
Selected recent publications
Gunatilake M.M. (2016) “Precautionary Savings and Social Safety Net: An Empirical Study on Rural Households in Sri Lanka”, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol.6 (10) PP. 515-523.
Wasantha Premarathne and M.M. Gunatilake (2016). “Consumer Adoption of Internet Banking in Sri Lanka”, International Journal of Advanced Research, 4 (11), PP. 758-765.
Gunatilake M.M. (2015) Drought and Household Food Security in Rural Sri Lanka. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, Vol.2, No.7. PP.78-86.
Gunatilake M.M. (2012) “Coping strategies of Vulnerable Farm Households in Developing Countries: A Review of Literature” in Issues in Development, Herath Madana Bandara (eds), Stamford Lake, Pannipitiya, PP-274-300.
Scholarships and Fellowships
Commonwealth (Split-site) Doctoral Scholarship, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, UK, 2002- 2003.
IAS (Prowse) Fellowship, Van Mildert College, University of Durham, UK. 2010.