Dr. G. K. R. Jayaweera
B.A In Economics (Peradeniya), MSSc. in Economics (National University of Singapore), PhD (University of Wollongong)
Contact Details
Office: +94112914488
Mobile: +76 7783 680
Email: roshinij@kln.ac.lk
Research Interests
Migration, Remittances, Poverty Analysis, Social Security, Microfinance, Micro-insurance and Development Studies
Book Chapters
Jayaweera R. (2011), ‘Sri Lanka’s Experience’, in Kelegama, S., (eds.) Mainstreaming Migration into Development Agendas of South Asia, Institute of Policy Studies, Colombo
Jayawardhana, T., and Jayaweera R. (2011), ‘Migration, Remittances and Development Nexus in Afghanistan’, in Kelegama, S., (eds.) Migration and Development Nexus in South Asia, Sage Publication Pvt. Ltd, India
Book Reviews
N.P.D. Padmakanthi and R. Jayaweera (2020) ‘People, Power and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent (Joseph E Stiglitz, 2019)’, Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, , Vol. 7 No.2 , pp 143-151.
Jayaweera, R. (2009). ‘Ageing Asia’s Looming Pension Crisis (Donghyun Park, 2009)’, Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies, Vol. No. 11: December 2009
Jayaweera, R. 2011 ‘Towards a New Poverty Agenda in Asia: Social Policies and Economic Transformation’ (Arjan De Haan, 2010)’, South Asian Journal of Economics, Vol. No. 12: 1, pp 143-183
other Publications
Kelegama S., and Jayaweera R. (2012), ‘Life and People in Diaspora: Entrepreneurship and Remittances’, in Reeves P., (eds) Encyclopedia of the Sri Lanka Diaspora, Institute of South Asian Studies, Singapore.
Jayaweera, R., Galappattige. A, and Tilakaratne, G. ‘Microinsurance in Sri Lanka: Combating Mutliple and Overlapping Vulnerabilities’ Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka.
Samaratunga, P., Jayaweera, R., and Perera, N.(2011). ‘Impact of Migration and Remittances on Investment in Agriculture and Food Security in Sri Lanka’ Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka.
Samaratunga, P., Jayaweera, R., and Perera, N.(2011). Impact of Migration and Remittances on Agriculture and Food Security: Case of Sri Lanka. London, FAO, Ramphal Centre: 48.
Jayaweera. R, Galappattige, A., and Tilakaratna, G., ‘Reducing Inequality Amidst Fast Growth’ , State of the Economy Report 2012, (ed. 2012), Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka.
Jayaweera. R, Galappattige, A., and Nanayakkara, W., ‘Social Protection as an Indispensable Instrument’ , State of the Economy Report 2011, (ed. 2011), Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka.
Jayaweera. R, Galappattige, A., and Nanayakkara, W., ‘Poverty Reduction Challenges in Post Conflict Sri Lanka’ , State of the Economy Report 2010, (ed. 2010), Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka.
Policy Brief Papers
‘The Divi Neguma Programme and Creating Rural Employment’ (ed. 2013) State of the Economy Report 2013, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, pp 198-204.
‘Leveraging Migration for Development’, (ed. 2012) State of the Economy Report 2012, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, pp 140-147.
‘Global Financial Crisis and Sri Lanka Microfinance Sector', (ed. 2009) State of the Economy Report 2009, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, pp 145-152.
‘Money Transfer Systems and Development Nexus of Migration', (ed. 2008) State of the Economy Report 2008, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, pp 182-189.
News Paper Articles
Jayaweera, R ‘International Migrants Day: Mainstreaming migration into development agendas of developing countries’ The Island/Financial Review, 18th December, 2012, p.4
Jayaweera, R and Jayawardana, P ‘Mainstreaming Migration into the Development Process - Budget 2012 Takes Vital Steps’, The Island, January 4th, 2012
Jayaweera, R. ‘Is low agricultural productivity keeping Batticaloa poor?’ Daily Mirror, October 5th, 2011
Wijesinghe. A, Jayaweera R, and N. Perera ‘Korea Calling: Results from a Snap Survey of
Job Seekers and Issues of Youth Unemployment’ The Island, August 10, 2011
Jayaweera, R. ‘Better Targeting of Transfers: Samurdhi Programme’, The Island, September 5, 2010
Review on ‘Profiling the Sri Lankan Consumer - Multiple Portraits and Manifest Patterns’
by Uditha Liyanage/ Published by Postgraduate Institute of Management, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura, 2005
Research Reports
2012 ‘Migration Profile: Sri Lanka’ funded by the Ministry of Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare and the International Organization for Migration
2012 Project on ‘Safety Nets in Sri Lanka: An Overview’ funded by the World Bank
2011 Project on ‘Impact of Migration and Remittances on Agriculture and Food Security: Case of Sri Lanka’ funded by the Food and Agricultural Organization
2011 Project on ‘Baseline Assessment of EU-ACAP Programme’ funded by OXFAM-GB
2011 Project on ‘Impact on Global Financial Crisis on Poor in Sri Lanka’ funded by UNICEF
2011 Project on ‘Improvement of the Services delivered by Local Authorities in Sri Lanka’ for the Ministry of Economic Development, funded by the World Bank
2011 Project on ‘Factors affecting the repayment performance of loans granted by Microfinance Institutions in Sri Lanka’ funded by Griffith University
2010 Project on “A Review of Active Labour Market Programmes in Sri Lanka” funded by the World Bank
2009 Project on “Impact of remittances on the household of the emigrant and on the economy of the migrant’s country: Sri Lanka” funded by the South Asia Network of Economic Institutes
2008/2009 “Second Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Report” for Sri Lanka funded by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
2009 Consultancy Services for the “Analysis of Convergence of Three Poverty Alleviation Programs Implemented by the Ministry of Nation Building and Estate Infrastructure Development” funded by World Bank
2009 Consultancy service to find out about the “Impact and Use of Microfinance Services Offered by the ProMiS programme Conducted by the GTZ " funded by GTZ
2008 Study on ‘Combating Multiple and Overlapping Vulnerabilities: Micro-insurance for the Poor in Sri Lanka’ funded by British Academy
2008 Survey on ‘The Livelihoods Survey in the Southern Region’ as a part of Sri Lanka – Country Environmental Analysis: Sustainable Ecotourism for Conservation-based Development funded by World Bank.
2008 Study on ‘Post Tsunami Microfinance in Sri Lanka’ funded by German Technical Cooperation (GTZ).
2006 Study on ‘Outreach of Financial Services in Sri Lanka: A Look at the Demand-side from a Microfinance Perspective’ funded by the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Sri Lanka
2006 Study on ‘Promoting Empowerment through Microfinance in Sri Lanka’ funded by South Asian Centre for Policy Studies (SACEPS).
Conference Paper Presentations
Presentation on “Workers’ Remittances on Housing Affordability: Sri Lanka”, at the annual conference of Australian Conference on Economists (ACE) 2018 on 10-13th July 2018- Canberra, Australia.
Presentation on “Dynamic Impact of Remittances on Consumption, Investment and Economic Growth: The Case of Sri Lanka” at the international conference on ‘Global Migrations’ organized by the Centre for Global Migration of the University of Otago on 20-22 February 2018, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Presentation on “Impact of Migration and Remittances on Household Food Security in Sri Lanka”, at the Higher Degree Research Student Conference organized by the University of Wollongong on 15th -16th September 2016, Wollongong, Australia.
Presented ‘First Migration Profile: Sri Lanka’ at the at the launch of first Sri Lankan migration profile, organized by the Institute of Policy Studies and the Ministry of Foreign Employment and Promotion in 2013 Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Presented a paper on “Impact of Migration on Farming Families in Sri Lanka” at the International Conference on ‘Sri Lankans on the Move’ organized by the National Science Foundation _ Sri Lanka on 23rd -25th January 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Presented a paper on “Mainstreaming Migration into Development planning in Sri Lanka” at the Joint Migration and Development Initiative : National Event in Sri Lanka on ‘Giving back what we learned, moving ahead’ organized by the International Organization for Migration on 13th December 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Panel Discussant of the Session of ‘Civil Society Organization’s Responsibility, Government
Developmental Policies and Mainstreaming Migration into Development of Sri Lanka’ at the Joint Migration and Development Initiative: National Event in Sri Lanka on ‘Giving back what we learned, moving ahead’ organized by the International Organization for Migration on 13th December 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Panel Discussant of the Session of ‘Way Forward for the South Asia Migration Commission’ at the International Conference on ‘Institutionalizing Regional Approaches to Migration Management in South Asia’ organized by the Institute of Policy Studies on 25th November 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Presented a paper on “Impact of Remittances on the Household of the Emigrant and on the Economy of the Migrant’s Country: Sri Lanka” at the international conference on “Migration, Health and Development” held in Dhaka on 30th and 31st of March 2010.
Presented a paper on “Migration, Remittances and Development Nexus in Afghanistan” at the international conference on ‘Migration, Remittances and Development Nexus in South Asia’ held in Colombo on 4th & 5th of May 2009
Presentation on ‘Improving Development Impact of Rural Employment for Growth’ at the IPS Annual National Conference on the theme “How Can Sri Lanka Stay on the Growth Expressway” IPS Auditorium, Colombo, 7th November 2012.
Presented a paper on “Review of Active Labour Market Programmes (ALMPs) in Sri Lanka: Some Lessons & Observations” at the weekly meeting of the Consortium Humanitarian Agencies on 1st October 2010
Presented a paper on “Microinsurance Services in Sri Lanka: Insurance Provision to Low Income Communities and Their Needs” at the Research Based Seminar on “ Microfinance Services in Sri Lanka” organized by Center for Banking Studies, Colombo. 29th June 2009
Presented a paper of “Microinsurance for the Poor in Sri Lanka”, at the Institute of the Policy Studies of Sri Lanka
Presented the paper of “Review of Post Tsunami Microfinance in Sri Lanka”, at the Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka
Academic Distinctions, Scholarships and Awards
International Postgraduate Tuition Award (IPTA) and University Postgraduate Award (UPA) for reading for the PhD in the University of Wollongong, Australia
Asian Development Bank – Japanese Scholarship to pursue postgraduate studies at National University of Singapore (2006-2007)
Netherlands Fellowship Programme to pursue Post Graduate Diploma course in “Universalizing Socio Economic Security for the Poor” at the international Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands (2010)
University prize for Academic Excellence in Economics- Convocation 2004- University of Peradeniya
Best Student Research Presentation at the Higher Degree Research Conference at the University of Wollongong – September 2016