Professor Lal Mervin Dharmasiri 
Senior Professor and Chair
Head of Geography

B.A. (Hons.) in Geography (Kel.)-1985 ,

M.A. in Rural Development (SKU, India)-1992,

PG.Dip in Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture (AUN, Norway)-1997,

MSc. (AUN, Norway)- 1999,

PhD (Pune, India)-2009


Designation: Senior Professor and Chair of Geography      













E - mail:

















+94 (0)11 2903926
















Fax: +94 (0)11 2914489
















Specialized Field : Environment Management, Agricultural Geography, Rural Development.
















Links: Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCIDInstitution Affiliated

  1. Dharmasiri, RKLM and Datye, V.S. (2009),” Land Tenure Changes in Sri Lanka: A Geographical Perspective on ‘Gambaraya’ System in Hambantota District”, Transactions. Indian Geographers, Journal of Transaction, Vol. 31, No.01:1-31.

  2. Dharmasiri, RKLM (2001),”Poverty and Deforestation”, Shoba,  Ministry of Transport and Environment, Colombo. Vol. vii,2: 18-21.

  3. Dharmasiri, RKLM (2001), “Paddy Cultivation in the Mahaweli System ‘C”, Studies in Social Sciences, Journal of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya. (in Sinhala), Vol. III:98-111.
  4. Dharmasiri, RKLM (2006),”Location of Service Centers and Role and Importance of Giradurukotte Township“, Journal of University of Sabaragamuwa, (in Sinhala), Vol. II:20-44

  5. Crop Diversification for Sustainable Agriculture: A Case Study from the Mahaweli Development Programme in Sri Lanka”, (2008), Sri Lanka Journal of Agrarian Studies, HARATI, Vol.12, No.1:53-68.

  6. Dharmasiri, RKLM (2009),”Transformation of Land Tenure Syatem under Paddy Cultivation in Hambantota District of Sri Lanka” Kalyani Magazine, University of Kelaniya, Vol xxvii, 2008

  7. Dharmasiri, L.M., (2002), “Food and World Population” Bhauma Vidya, Journal of Geographical Society, University of Kelnaiya, Vol, 04: 52-57.

  8. Dharmasiri, R.K.L.M., (2003), “Paddy Production, Market and Self-sufficient in Sri Lanka” Bhauma Vidya, Journal of Geographical Society, University of Kelnaiya, Vol, 05: 61-67.

  9. Dharmasiri, R.K.L.M., (2008), “Food and World Population” Bhauma Vidya, Journal of Geographical Society, University of Kelnaiya, Vol, 04: 52-57.

  10. Dharmasiri, Lal Mervin. “Rice Crisis in Asia” Bhauma Vidya, Journal of Geographical Society, University of Kelnaiya, 2008, Vol, 09: 114-118.

  11. Dharmasiri, Lal Mervin, “The Gate of Success is Self reliance”, Journal of Prajashakthi, 2005, January. Institute of Research and Rural Development, Colombo.

  12. Dharmasiri, Lal Mervin, “Land use and Development in Sri Lanka”, Journal of Susara, 2006, Vol, 2, Publication of Public Library in Kegalle.

  13. Dharmasiri, Lal Mervin. “Land Ownership and Land Management; A Case Study of Karuwalagaswewa, Sri Lanka”, Journal of Social Sciences-Sri Lanka: A Quarterly Review. 2009, Vol: 01, No: 04, 433-444.

  14. Dharmasiri, Lal Mervin and Datye, V.S. (2011) “Applicability of Cobb-Douglas Function for Analyzing the Process of Agricultural Production: A Case Study from Sri Lanka”, Transactions. Indian Geographers, Journal of Transaction, Vol. 33, No.02:251-263.

  15. Dharmasiri, Lal Mervin (2012) “Average Productivity Index: Sri Lanka. Journal of Advanced Social Studies, Vol: 01, Number 2, 25-44

Books and Chapters
  1. Samajeeya Vudya Paryeshana” (Revised edition), Wijetunga Book Publishers, Kadawata, 2009.  (in Sinhala)

  2. Geography: Grade 11 (In Sinhala), Published by the Educational Publication Department –Panel Writer.

  3. Geography: Grade 09 (In Sinhala), Published by the Educational Publication Department –Panel Writer.

  4. Manusha Bhugolavidyawa (Human Geography) (In Sinhala), Published by the Educational Publication Department – Panel writer

  1. “Efficiency of Planned Service Centers: With Reference to the Experience in the Mahaweli System ‘C”, at the ‘Academic Forum’ of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya on 30.05.1996.
  2. “Crop Diversification for Sustainable Agriculture: A case Study from the Mahaweli Development programme in Sri Lanka” at the 8th Southeast Asian Geographical Association (SEAGA)International Conference in Singapore, held  on 28th-30th November, 2006.
  3. “Multiple Crop Diversification & Intensification” A case Study of Sri Lanka” , International Conference on Agribusiness & Food Industry in Developing Countries: Opportunities and Challenges, Presented at the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India 28th – 30thNovember 2008,
  4. “Land Tenure Changes in Sri Lanka; A Geographical Perspective on ‘Gambaraya’ System in Hambantota District” presented at the International Conference on the Southeast Asian Geographical Association (SEAGA), Philippine, 03rd – 06th June 2008, Sri Lanka
  5. “Spatial Agricultural Productivity and Distribution Pattern of Sri Lanka; An Alternative Measurement” 2nd Deccan Geographical Society (DGS) International Geography Conference – 2008, Bhopal in India,
  6. “Crop Diversification in Hambantota District: Opportunities and Challenges”, Seminar on ‘Research With Global Exposure’, held in 08th 2007.
  7. Dharmasiri, Lal Mervin, “Applicability of Cobb-Douglas Function in Measuring Spatial variation of Agricultural Productivity in Sri Lanka”, National Geography Conference -2009, held in University of Peradeniya on 23rd -24th January, 2009.
  8. “Socio-Economic Consequences of the Decrease in Coconut Production due to Climatic Change in Sri Lanka” International Conference in XXXth Indian Geographers, held in University of Pune in India on 20th -22nd February, 2009


Department of Geography

University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya 11600,

Sri Lanka

+94 (112) 903 920


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