Objectives of the Project

  1. Empower and involve youth in the process of Transitional Justice and reconciliation in Sri Lanka, focusing on grass root levels.
  2. Revisit the principles and initiatives of the national reconciliation process in Sri Lanka.
  3. Highlight the importance of Track 6 (Peace Activism), Track 5 (Research Training and Education), and Track 7 (religion) diplomacy in achieving sustainable peace and assess how “Confluence” contributes to these tracks.
  4. Explore how the integration of small civil communities, such as mothers of the disappeared and marginalized groups, can contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), and emphasize the need for building a national framework to support their involvement.
  5. Foster cultural and ethnic integration, particularly between the Western and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka, to promote understanding and unity while bridging the gap between the two communities.
  6. Strengthen the pillars of Transitional Justice and facilitate the process of reconciliation in Sri Lanka.
  7. Advocate for the implementation of national policies that can be integrated into the system to support long-term peacebuilding efforts.
  8. Utilize social media as a powerful tool to identify and address emerging situations, effectively communicating, and driving necessary changes.
  9. Create a spillover effect using the state university community as an asset to distribute knowledge and experience throughout Sri Lanka.

Context and Relevance of the Project

The Cultural Exchange Programme "Confluence", initiated by the Department of International Studies at the University of Kelaniya, is a much-needed youth initiative that recognizes the transformative impact of young people in challenging moments. Through a comprehensive situation analysis, it is evident that youth possess unique potentials that make them vital agents of necessary changes. Their contribution is phenomenally significant as communication with them is not only easy but also highly effective. By engaging underrepresented youth, this initiative can bridge cultural dividence and facilitate meaningful dialogue. Additionally, their role as future leaders is paramount in shaping a harmonious society.
The specific focus of the "Confluence” Cultural Exchange Research Program is to bridge the gap between the Northern Province and the Western Province, with the goal of extending its impact to a broader audience. Moreover, it seeks to contribute to the post-war healing process, as previous reconciliation efforts have primarily remained within the realm of higher politics, and even if attempts were made to integrate the ground level, they also remained ad hoc. As a first step in formulating a policy framework, the Cultural Exchange Research Program "Confluence" holds the potential to develop Transitional Justice, enhance the reconciliation process within the Northern Province and Western Province, and later on have a spillover effect throughout the country. This research not only aims to mitigate cultural differences between the two universities and communities but also serves as a foundation for guiding an accurate and modernized reconciliation process in Sri Lanka. By employing the "Cultural Ethnic Integration Program" as a tool, the initiative strives to bridge cultural gaps and foster understanding, ultimately paving the way for a more inclusive and cohesive society.


Department of International Studies
University of Kelaniya



Email : hodints@kln.ac.lk


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