Execution of the Project: Phase 1

The Cultural Exchange Research Programme "Confluence," initiated by the Department of International Studies at the University of Kelaniya in collaboration with the Embassy of Switzerland in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, is a vital youth initiative recognizing the transformative impact young people can have in challenging moments. This initiative aims to bridge cultural divisions and facilitate meaningful dialogue by engaging underrepresented youth, who are seen as critical agents of change and future leaders in shaping a harmonious society.
The specific focus of the "Confluence" Cultural Exchange Research Programme in its first stage is to bridge the gap between the Northern Province and the Western Province in Sri Lanka. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the post-war healing process by enhancing the reconciliation process within these provinces. The first stage is crucial in providing a foundation and accurate data for guiding an inclusive and modernized reconciliation process in Sri Lanka. The initiative seeks to mitigate cultural differences, promote understanding, and pave the way for a cohesive society.

Day 1 – Nagadeepa Island ‘Nainathiv’

Objective: The students focused on the tourist industry in Sri Lanka, particularly local shops and engagement with local and foreign tourists.

Activities: Engaged with the community using 10 translators to collect data through customized questionnaires and interviews.

Takeaways: Comprehensive data on the tourist industry and its impact on the local community, setting the foundation for future tourism-related initiatives.

Day 2 – Interaction with local NGOs in Thanthai Chelva Auditorium (Voice of the civil society organizations)

Objective: Engagement with multiple individuals from NGOs, activists, and lecturers to understand the post and pre-situation of Jaffna.

Activities: Shared experiences were gathered from the individuals present.

Takeaways: Valuable insights into the historical context and contemporary challenges in Jaffna, providing a crucial understanding for peacebuilding efforts.

Day 3 – Interaction with the academic community of the Jaffna University

Objective: Conducted a poster presentation involving 14 groups with students from both Jaffna and Kelaniya University, focusing on peacebuilding topics.


Presented and discussed topics related to interfaith dialogue, arts, trauma healing, women's empowerment, sustainable development, youth engagement, restorative justice, education for peace, media and peacebuilding, sports for peace, building trust in communities, grassroots peacebuilding, restoring cultural heritage, and peaceful coexistence in multi-ethnic societies.

A roundtable discussion was held to share perspectives and policy recommendations.

Cultural Night showcasing talents and merging cultures. (Cultural performances, Dances, Songs, Dramas)

Takeaways: Diverse perspectives and potential policy recommendations gathered, promoting a more holistic approach to peacebuilding and reconciliation

Day 4 – Visiting Library of Jaffna, Jaffna Fort and Peace Museum in Kilinochchi

Objective: Engaged with the Jaffna community and visited the Peace Museum in Kilinochchi, a youth initiative


Interacted with the community, visited the library and Fort, and reflected on peace initiatives.

Discussed and reflected with local youth at the Peace Museum.

Takeaways: Insights into the community's perceptions and experiences related to peace initiatives, contributing to a deeper understanding of reconciliation and peacebuilding needs

Day 5, 6, 7 – Field Visit & Data Collection in Different Communities

Objective: Data collection focusing on specific groups like internally displaced people, the local fisheries community, and war victims.

Activities: Multiple groups covered a broader area, collecting data through interviews and questionnaires.
Moor Street North (J/87) – Internally Displaced Muslim Returnees

Myladdythurai North (J/251) – Internally Displaced Tamil Returnees

Focus Group in Myladdythurai North – Fisheries Community (Issues regarding Land, Re-settlement, Post-war changes and their impacts on their daily lives)

Direct Personal Interviews from a few volunteers from academic personalities in the Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna – Focused on the theme of War victims.

Takeaways: In-depth data on the challenges faced by different communities, aiding in tailoring future initiatives for reconciliation and transitional justice.


The first phase of the "Confluence" project successfully initiated the cultural exchange, allowing for valuable data collection and insights essential for the subsequent stages. The engagement with various stakeholders and communities has set a strong foundation for further policy development


Department of International Studies
University of Kelaniya



Email : hodints@kln.ac.lk


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