Phase 3

The Cultural Exchange Research Programme "Confluence," initiated by the Department of International Studies at the University of Kelaniya in collaboration with the Embassy of Switzerland in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, is a vital youth initiative recognizing the transformative impact young people can have in challenging moments. This initiative aims to bridge cultural divisions and facilitate meaningful dialogue by engaging underrepresented youth, who are seen as critical agents of change and future leaders in shaping a harmonious society.
The specific focus of the "Confluence" Cultural Exchange Research Programme in its first stage is to bridge the gap between the Northern Province and the Western Province in Sri Lanka. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the post-war healing process by enhancing the reconciliation process within these provinces. The first stage is crucial in providing a foundation and accurate data for guiding an inclusive and modernized reconciliation process in Sri Lanka. The initiative seeks to mitigate cultural differences, promote understanding, and pave the way for a cohesive society.

The third phase of confluence was the round table discussion. The day’s proceedings started with the lighting of the oil lamp by the distinguished guests and invitees. After the reciting of the university anthem The dignitaries were formally welcomed by the compere. This was followed by an introductory speech by Suhanya Devanjee, which included a brief run-down of the previous two phases. The first phase in Jaffna and the second phase which included the students of Jaffna university coming to Kelaniya for a multitude of days. The introductory speech was then followed by an extensive and informative keynote address by the keynote speaker, Senior Lawyer Mr. Indika Perera.

Then the cynosure of the 3rd stage took place, which was the panel discussion. The discussion was moderated by Dr. George I.H. Cooke. The Panel included Dr. L.D. Sarath Vitharana, Mr. J.K. Sudeera Jayaweera, Dr. Athulasiri Samarakoon, Prof. Oshantha Thalpawila, Professor Chaminda Abeysinghe, and Mr. Elankovan - Director Thantha Chelva Trustee.

The panellists had various informative points of view and tackled the questions directed to them by using details and statistics as per their fields of expertise and first-hand experiences. The panel discussion went on for approximately 2 hours. The discussion was very informative and was followed by a Q and A session that was opened up for the audience members. After the Q and A session tokens of appreciation were given out and the 3rd stage concluded with the singing of the national anthem.


Department of International Studies
University of Kelaniya



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