Policy Recommendations

The quest for sustainable peace and reconciliation in post-conflict Sri Lanka has been a multifaceted journey, marked by the exploration of societal dynamics, historical wounds, and avenues for transformative change. This chapter delves into a comprehensive set of recommendations and policy considerations derived from the insights garnered through the "CONFLUENCE" project—a meticulous undertaking aimed at unraveling the complexities surrounding transitional justice, societal healing, and national unity in Sri Lanka.
  1. Truth and Reconciliation Commission:
  • Development: Establish an independent Truth and Reconciliation Commission under the Ministry of Justice.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry of Justice should work collaboratively with civil society, international experts, and relevant stakeholders to develop the framework for the Commission. This includes defining its scope, powers, and procedures.
  1. Legal Reforms:
  • Development: Institute legal reforms under the Ministry of Law and Order to address disparities in the legal system.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should conduct a comprehensive review of existing laws, consult with legal experts, and propose amendments to ensure equal access to justice and accountability in Sri Lanka.
  1. Inclusive Educational Initiatives:
  • Development: Implement inclusive education reforms under the Ministry of Education.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should revise the curriculum to include comprehensive teachings on Sri Lanka's diverse cultures, histories, and languages. Language education programs should be expanded with a focus on Tamil, Sinhala, and English.
  1. Economic Development Projects:
  • Development: Oversee economic development projects through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should ensure equitable distribution of development projects, particularly in conflict-affected areas. Collaborate with private enterprises and international organizations to enhance equal economic opportunities.
  1. International Collaboration:
  • Development: Facilitate international collaboration under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should engage with foreign governments, international organizations, and diplomatic missions to seek support for reconciliation efforts. Establish partnerships for knowledge exchange and implementation of successful models.
  1. Media Regulation and Media Literacy:
  • Development: Regulate media through the Ministry of Mass Media and Information.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should enforce regulations to prevent biased reporting. Implement media literacy programs in collaboration with the Ministry of Education to educate the public on critical media consumption.
  1. Cultural Engagement and Arts Promotion:
  • Development: Promote cultural engagement under the Ministry of Cultural Affairs.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should invest in cultural exchange programs, support artistic initiatives, and organize events that foster inter-community understanding and appreciation.
  1. Community Engagement and Grassroots Initiatives:
  • Development: Encourage community engagement through the Ministry of National Integration and Reconciliation.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should fund and support grassroots initiatives, involving local leaders and influencers to promote dialogue and trust-building activities.
  1. Political Empowerment and Representation:
  • Development: Advocate for political reforms under the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should propose constitutional amendments to empower minorities and ensure fair representation. Encourage youth involvement through educational and awareness programs.
  1. Mental Health and Well-being Programs:
  • Development: Implement mental health programs under the Ministry of Health.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should allocate resources for counseling services, awareness campaigns, and support networks. Collaborate with NGOs and mental health professionals for effective implementation.
  1. Interfaith Dialogue and Religious Tolerance:
  • Development: Institute programs under the Ministry of Religious Affairs to promote interfaith dialogue and understanding.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should collaborate with religious leaders, organizations, and educational institutions to organize events, workshops, and educational campaigns fostering tolerance and respect for diverse religious beliefs.
  1. Land Restitution and Property Rights:
  • Development: Establish policies under the Ministry of Lands for fair land restitution and property rights.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should develop a transparent process for resolving land issues, ensuring the return of property to rightful owners. Implement measures to address land-related grievances, collaborating with local communities and legal experts.
  1. Language Equality in Government Institutions:
  • Development: Enforce language equality policies within government institutions under the Ministry of Official Languages.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should ensure all government services are accessible in both Tamil and Sinhala. Implement language training programs for public servants to facilitate effective communication.
  1. Youth Empowerment and Civic Education:
  • Development: Promote youth empowerment through civic education programs under the Ministry of Youth Affairs.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should develop educational curricula emphasizing civic responsibilities, human rights, and conflict resolution. Establish youth-led forums and initiatives to encourage active participation in societal development.
  1. Victim Support and Rehabilitation:
  • Development: Establish victim support and rehabilitation programs under the Ministry of Social Welfare.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should provide counseling, vocational training, and economic support for individuals affected by conflict. Collaborate with NGOs and mental health professionals to address the long-term impact of trauma.
  1. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment:
  • Development: Implement policies promoting gender equality under the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should advocate for women's representation in decision-making processes, provide support for women affected by conflict, and conduct awareness campaigns to challenge gender stereotypes.
  1. Community Policing and Security Sector Reforms:
  • Development: Facilitate community policing initiatives and security sector reforms under the Ministry of Law and Order.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should enhance community-oriented policing, build trust between communities and law enforcement, and ensure the security sector reflects the diversity of the population.
  1. Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development:
  • Development: Integrate environmental conservation into post-conflict development plans under the Ministry of Environment.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should implement sustainable development projects that prioritize environmental protection. Collaborate with local communities for eco-friendly initiatives that contribute to livelihoods.
  1. Historical Reconciliation Education:
  • Development: Introduce education programs under the Ministry of Education to promote historical reconciliation.
  • Initiatives: The Ministry should develop curricula that provide unbiased historical perspectives, encouraging critical thinking and empathy. Promote educational initiatives that foster understanding of shared histories.
  1. Museum Diplomacy for Historical Reconciliation
  • Development: Establishment of a National Reconciliation Museum
  • Initiatives: Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Ministry of Justice should work in collaboration with international organizations, cultural institutions, and experts to gather support, knowledge, and best practices in establishing the National Reconciliation Museum.


Department of International Studies
University of Kelaniya



Email : hodints@kln.ac.lk


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