Who We Are?

The significance of the Department of Social Statistics is mandated by the current necessity of providing an innovative and a relevant education to the present and future generations to produce versatile academic professionals. Through extensive analysis of human behaviour, the subject of Social Statistics aims to examine the theoretical and real life phenomena of Social Sciences, enabling a broader and a comprehensive understanding of societal forces in operation.

The Department of Social Statistics is committed to create and disseminate theoretical and empirical knowledge related to statistical analysis studies through research, teaching, and various professional and policy contributions.

In addition the Department of Social Statistics is providing knowledge and skills in Social Statistics to undergraduates and postgraduate students of other departments in Faculty of Social Sciences.


To become a department of excellence in strengthening the teaching, research, practice and dissemination of knowledge in Social Statistics for the advancement of Future requirements


  • To continuously improve the academic research dissemination and quality in statistics teaching and research.
  • To promote quality of teaching, learning and research in the department
  • To encourage quality related research studies, consultancy and training programs.
  • To collaborate with other stake holders of Statistical studies.


Contact Us

Telephone  : Head-0112984037 

Email         : hodsost@kln.ac.lk 

Time          : Mon-Fri 8:00 -16:00 


Department of Social Statistics  

Faculty of Social Sciences 

University of Kelaniya 

Sri Lanka



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