Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science is newly established Department under the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2017. Until 2017, Political Science degree programmes were conducted under the Department of Economics. Political Science is one of the largest undergraduate majors in the University of Kelaniya, a reflection of our strong collective commitment to innovative and engaging teaching of a fascinating and important topics. Our Graduate and Postgraduate programmes provides a supportive environment for students conducting a wide range of original research through offering B.A., M.A., MSSc, M.Phil and PhD programmes.
Our Department expertise span Sri Lankan Politics, Comparative Politics and Governments, International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Policy, International Organizations, Political Theory, Political Research Methodology, Constitutional Law and Government, Conflict Resolution, Public Administration, Public Policy, Human Rights, Politics in South Asia. We have planned to introduce a diploma in Human Rights, Foreign exchange programmes and also we are conducting several academic programmes for undergraduates collaborating with Non - Government Organizations and other experts in our subject attached to other universities in Sri Lanka. To fulfill that goal as per the youngest Department of Political Science in Sri Lanka, we are collaborating with the civil society through conducting number of events. However, Department of Political Science offers the perfect balance for ambitious and accomplished graduates and undergraduate student in present era.



Department of Political Science,

Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka.

Telephone: 0112903833



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