POLS 53015 - Politics & International Relations in South Asian Countries
Course Aim/ Intended Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:
  1. Describe the nature of the politics and interstate relations in South Asian 
  2. Analyze the factors that affect and determine the interstate relations in South Asia.
  3. Analyze the issues and challenges faced by developing countries.
Course Content :

Historical prospect of political process in South Asian countries; The impact of historical background on governance and international relations; The formulation of the nation and state in the region; A comparative study on changes and trends in government and politics; contemporary political and economic trends and cooperation in the region under the global and regional environment.
POLS 53025 - Advanced Political Theory and Analysis
Course Aim/ Intended Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:
  1. Describe and analyze the Western and Eastern Political theories that have been formulated in different contexts.
Course Content:

Study of the Western and Eastern political theories, concepts and approaches comparatively, comparative study on ancient- Indo-Sino, Anglo-European political philosophies and modern political philosophers and their impact on political and government changes in relevant contexts, Feminism and development of post-modernist political theories concepts and thoughts,
POLS 53035 - Contemporary Political Sociology
Course Aim/ Intended Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:
  1. Describe the functions of the society to generate the political power and determine its behaviors.
  2. Demonstrate the knowledge on thoughts and ideas related to the political sociology .
  3. Analyze the political process and socio political Issues.
Course Content:

Theories and concepts on power and distribution of power; Development of the state and its impact on society; Capitalism and social classes, Political socialization; Political Parties ; Pressure groups and their  functions in society; Modernization movement and ethnic Conflict  ; Political violence in South  Asia.



POLS 53045 - Transition of Political Economy in Sri Lankan Context
Course Aim/ Intended Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:
  1. Describe concepts and theories on political Economy.
  2. Analyze the political economic policies, reforms and transitions introduced by successive governments and their impact on society and politics in Sri Lanka.
Course Content:

Theories, concepts and approaches  about the political economic transitions; Transition of market economy into public sector and its socio-political impact; Relationship between economic related policies and politics; Market forces and the factors that affected the transition to state sector and their different types; Establishment of liberal, democratic, political and economic structure, mechanisms and functions of the state sector to enhance the efficiency of the public good and services; Economic growth; Disparity of  distribution and allocation of resources; Macroeconomic policies; Response of the public sector against market economy and their efficiency; Imposing tax and issues related to tax, foreign loans and aids.    
POLS 53055 - Comparative Public Administration and Policy Analysis
Course Aim/ Intended Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:
  1. Describe the historical and contemporary development of the public administration in advanced and developing countries.
Course Content:

Introduction to public policy, policy analysis and public administration; Historical, constitutional, political, social and economic factors affecting the structure and function of public administration in developed and developing countries; Principles of public service system; Resource allocation for the government, other institutions and departments and the functions of public enterprises and local authorities in that context; Devolution of power; Relationship between decentralization and representation; Recruitment, training, coordination and staffing of various levels of public service; Administrative justice and administrative reform in the context of changing functions of government and private sectors.
POLS 53065 - Contemporary Local Government and Management
Course Aim/ Intended Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:
  1. Critically analyze the functions and structure of local government and states.
  2. Apply knowledge of the concepts and principles to understand the local governance in European.
Course Content:

Introduction to concept of decentralization and types of decentralization; Theoretical and conceptual background of decentralization, Concept of local government and local governance; Structure and functions of local government in Europe, China, Britain, United States, India, Sri Lanka and Japan; Historical development of local governance in Sri Lanka; Central-local relations; Local finance; Urban government; provincial council system in Sri Lanka; Issues and challenges, trends and way forward of the modern local government.
POLS 53075 - Research Methodology for Political Science
Course Aim/ Intended Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course unit, every student should be able to:
  1. Define the  different research Perspectives and methodologies in the field of Political Science.
  2. Have an awareness of their ethical responsibilities when undertaking
  3. Reflect on the meanings and motivations they bring to the research endeavor. Perceive the interconnections between research questions, data forums, research methodologies and methods.
  4. Formulate research questions, hypotheses and accompanying study designs
  5. Adopt conventions for reporting statistical Findings.
Course Content:

 Nature of research, research paradigms and traditions; Main methods of  qualitative research; Introduction to quantitative analysis; Sampling  methods; Organizing a sample survey;   Methods of action research; Choice of  ethnographic research for Political Science research; Writing and submitting dissertations; Preparation of a research proposal.



Department of Political Science,

Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka.

Telephone: 0112903833

E-mail: hodpols@kln.ac.lk


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