
Lecture delivered by


Prof. W.A. Weerasooriya


Dr. Rev. L. Piyarathana

Semester I
Semester I$20.00
LISC 21414
LISC 21414 $20.00
Universe of Knowledge
Universe of Knowledge$20.00
Credit 4
Credit 4$20.00

Course Aims:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to express their competences on the formation of subjects and to distinguish from general to specific subject fields at different levels. They also will be able to customize their capabilities with library classification. They will acquire competences related to and the book publishing and related areas.

Course Content: (Main topics, Sub topics)

Universe of knowledge, Introduction to knowledge, definitions, Layers and formation of knowledge, Types and classification of knowledge, Acquisition and growth of knowledge, Definition of subjects, Introduction to subject formation and Ranganathan’s contribution, Natural Sciences and Applied Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and their development, present trends; Information society; Information for development; Knowledge management, and Indigenous knowledge with special reference to Sri Lanka. ; Book publishing and printing, new trends, publishing industry in the world with special reference to Sri Lanka; Copyright and intellectual property laws, copyright of e-resources; Censorship with special reference to Sri Lanka

Teaching /Learning Activities: 

Lectures/ Tutorials/ Presentations/ Practical sessions/ Creative activities

Assessment Strategy:

Continuous Assessment


Final Assessment



Quizzes 10%, Assignment 20%, Attendance

Individual Assignment

Class Test 10%











Recommended Reading:

  • Eberhart, M. (2010), The Librarian’s Book of Lists, American Library Association,Chicago.
  • Epstein, Jason (1979), Book Business: Publishing Past, Present, and Future, Norton, New York.
  • Felix, T. (2008), Global Information Technologies, Hershey PA, New York.
  • Kumar, P. S. G. (2003), Knowledge Organization, Information Processing and Retrieval: Theory, B. R. Publishing, New Delhi.
  • Nimmer, M and Geller, P. (1988), International Copyright Law and Practice, Bender, New York.
  • Ronan,  D.  (2006), Rethinking Copyright: History, Theory, Language, Edward Elgar, Glasgow.
  • Satija, M. P. (2004), A Dictionary of Knowledge Organization, Guru Nanayak Deve University, Amristsar.
  • Srikantaiah, K. (2010), Knowledge Management for the Information Professional, Medford, New Jersey. 


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