
You Can Apply Now for Diploma in Library and Information Science 2024

Diploma in Library and Information Science

Library Science and Information Science (LIS) is a growing academic and professional subject field, which has by now attained the status of a separate discipline. The management of libraries needs persons with academic, professional qualifications and expertise. Proficiency in one or two subjects in the natural sciences, social sciences or the humanities and the management is helpful in the professional development of a librarian/Information Specialist for delivering an effective and efficient Library and Information service for the learning societies. The Department of Library Science and Information Science of University of Kelaniya prepares Diploma holders who are marketable, both nationally and internationally. These study programmes is designed to prepare students for entry level and the leadership positions in a variety of library and information environments.

Objectives of the program

The broad objective of this programme is to equip the students competent with basic technical training both academic and professional knowledge, competencies in Library and Information Science.

 The specific intended learning objectives are:

  •  To enable the student to apprehend the functions and purpose of library in changing socio, economic, political, academic and modern ICT environments;
  •  To equip them with knowledge, skills and attitudes for the collection, organization, arrangement and the dissemination of information in different types of libraries and information centres;
  •  To provide basic knowledge and aptitude of computing in order to serve in any LIS setting and to apply them for different types of LIS services;
  •  To produce basic and mid-level professionals who can work in various types of libraries including information centres and digital libraries;
  •  To prepare them for further studies and research in areas of library, ICT and other related fields;

Admission Criteria

In order to eligible for the entry to this study program, the applicant should fulfill one of the following requirements:

In order to eligible for the entry to this study program, the applicant should fulfil one of the following requirements:

  • Possess at least three passes at G.C.E. (Advanced Level Examination) and  ordinary  pass for English language at Ordinary Level Examination
  • Successful completion of  G.C.E.(O.L.) examination and 0ne year experience in recognized library or equivalent qualification accepted by the Department

Target Group

  • Officials of Statutory bodies
  • Educators
  • Librarians / Assistant Librarians / Library Assistants
  • Staff of village knowledge centers

Course Fee

Diploma Part I-   Rs. 30,000.00

Diploma Part II-  Rs. 32,000.00

Duration / Course Fee

Duration :

The duration of the diploma program is two year. The Bridging course in Library and Information Science is one year. After successful completion of the Bridging course a certificate is awarded for candidate.


Coordinator : Prof.M.K Weerasinghe

Diploma in Library and Information Science - Part One - Syllabus

DLIS 13013 - Information, Libraries and Society
13013.1 Definition of Library, its objectives and services

13013.2 Impact of Library and Information Service on Society

13013.3 Social functions of libraries

13013.4 History of Libraries and historical bibliography, Laws of Library Science and their application

13013.5 Different types libraries and their functions

13013.6 User education and communication in libraries

Diploma in Library and Information Science - Part Two - Syllabus

DLIS 13073 - Information Sources and Services

13073.1 Definition of Information, Information Age

13073.2 The Value of Information, Characteristics of Information, Finding and using Information 13073.3 Information Needs, Defining Information Need

13073.4 Selecting Information Sources, Information Overload, Information Sources and Information Resources, Characteristics of Information Sources

13073.5 Types of Information Sources, Documentary Sources, Non-Documentary Sources

13073.6 Electronic Sources, Information Services

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