You Can Apply Now for DIMT 2023
Diploma in Information Management and Technology
In 21st century, Information Management and Technology are components essential for almost all the disciplines including education. They are a mixture of theoretical, practical and analytical skills that improve the quality of education irrespective of the sphere or the role related to it. While some spheres feel the impact of Information Technology (IT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) mildly, there are certain professions and spheres which have undergone tremendous changes because of the advancement of IT and ICT. Information Management profession is a case in point who requires the education systems which have taken concern of the technological advancements and made necessary adjustments to utilize the new technology.
As a solution to the above problems, the Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS) being the pioneer institution of the discipline of Information management in the university system in Sri-Lanka intends to commence the Diploma in Information Management and Technology programme.
As a solution to the above problems, the Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS) being the pioneer institution of the discipline of Information management in the university system in Sri-Lanka intends to commence the Diploma in Information Management and Technology programme.
Objectives of the program
- To provide an advanced knowledge, skills, attitudes, mind-set and paradigm to the interested parties in the field of information industry.
- To provide each student with an opportunity to become competent information manager/worker and technology literate person in an effective and social manner.
- To strengthen national information industry for effective decision making, problem solving, and for serving relevant information to client.
- To strengthen the career prospects of school leavers who do not obtain admission into a university.
- To provide human capital for the employment market of the country.
- To assist and promote new venture creation of the country
Admission Criteria
In order to eligible for the entry to this study program, the applicant should fulfill one of the following requirements:
Possess at least three passes at G.C.E. (A/L)
Diploma Certificate in Library and Information Science (Part 1), of the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya Or
Diploma in Library and Information Science (Level 1) of Sri Lanka Library Association Or
Diploma in Information Management (Level 1), of the National Institute of Library and Information Science, University of Colombo Or
Any other qualification accepted by the senate of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Target Group
- Ministry Officials
- Officials of Statutory bodies
- Educators
- Librarians / Assistant Librarians / Library Assistants
- Staff of village knowledge centers
- School Leavers
Duration / Course Fee
Duration : One Year
Course Fee : Rs. 50000.00
Course Fee : Rs. 50000.00
Coordinator : Mrs. Nadeeka Sanjeewani Rathnabahu 0768084694 / 0094(0)112917712 /rathnabahu@kln.ac.lk
Payment Details
Course Content
DIMT 13012 - Information Literacy for all
Definition of information literacy including components and models, Basic information literacy skills including critical thinking, reading skills, and independent learning, Introduction to the types and formats of potential sources of information, Organization of Information, Formulating search strategies, Evaluating sources, Plagiarism, Copyright, Censorship, Methods of citation
Definition of information literacy including components and models, Basic information literacy skills including critical thinking, reading skills, and independent learning, Introduction to the types and formats of potential sources of information, Organization of Information, Formulating search strategies, Evaluating sources, Plagiarism, Copyright, Censorship, Methods of citation
DIMT 13024 - Workplace ICT (Basic & Advance)
DIMT 13034 - Information Management Systems
DIMT 13044 - Strategic Information Management
DIMT 13054 - Digital Living in Information Management Industry
Content :
Corporation-wide information architecture, Alignment of information services with the corporate environment, Inter- and intra- organisational systems, Strategic alliances, Sustaining innovation, IT for strategic advantage.
DIMT 13064 - Marketing of Information, Products and services
DIMT 13074 - Information security and preservation
DIMT 13084 - Digital Media, Communication and technology