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To become a center of excellence in creation and dissemination of knowledge in Library and Information Science for sustainable development

The department of Library and Information Science strives for excellence in the field of Library and Information Management through innovation, research and dissemination of knowledge and capacity building for socio-economic development of the nation, Asia and beyond.
The Department consists of following professionally qualified personnel as resource persons.

Senior Professors

Senior Lecturers

Visiting Lecturers


Non Academic Staff

Temporary Lecturers
Undergraduate Students
Postgraduate Students
LIS Diploma Students
IMT Diploma Students

About LISC
This department remains as the only department of study which offers Library and Information Science as a subject for the B.A and B.A (Honours) Degree in the University system of Sri Lanka. The students who obtain highest marks for their first year qualifying examination are selected to follow the B.A. (Honours) degree program. This course contains three main subject areas; 1. Library and Information Science. 2. Computer Application in Library and Information center operations 3. Information Communication Technology Application for Library and Information Services. This subject is also included in the B.A degree programme (External) which is conducted by the Centre for Distance and Continuing Education of this University.
The department also offers postgraduate courses such as Master of Arts (MA) in Library and Information Science (one year), Master of Social Sciences (MSSc) in Library and Information Science (two years). Furthermore, the department conducts M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs.
In addition, the “Journal of Library Science” is published by the Library and Information Science Student Association. The Department is further organize and International Conference on Library and Information Management as a bi-annual activity starting from 2016. The Alumni Association of the Department lively takes part of the vivid academic, socio-cultural activities and programs organized by the Department. Four student societies such Library Society, English Society, IT Society and Media Society function under the Library and Information Science Student Association. The principal purpose of these student societies is to improve the Knowledge, skills, attitudes and the mindset of the LIS undergraduates.
Our History
In 1973, the Department of the Library & Information Science was established with the purpose of opening more job opportunities for graduates. Library & Information Centers provide an enormous service for the development of education and the information sector in the country as well as for the improvement of creative and Information Literacy skills among individual citizens. The principal role of this department is to supply human resources to those libraries and information centers attached to government and non - government organizations in Sri Lanka, and abroad. The department has a national as well as international reputation for the quality of its teaching, guiding, and training of students to be the highest professionals through advanced career opportunities. In a recent subject review, the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council (QAAC) of the University Grants Commission awarded 6 A’s, out of a total of 8 quality indicators and this is an indication of the success of the department in terms of the quality of teaching, guiding and the expertise of the staff.