Mrs. Nadeeka Sanjeewani Rathnabahu
B.A.(Kel’ya), MSSc.(Kel’ya) Chartered Librarian
Senior Lecturer (Grade I) in Library & Information Science
Contacts: 0768084694 / 0094(0)112917712
Room No: K3 015 - 1
Research Interest
ICT applications in Libraries, Bibliographies
Working Experience
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Library and information Science, University of Kelaniya. 22.12.2017 – to date
- Visiting Lecturer, Diploma in Library Science, Department of Library and information Science, University of Kelaniya. 2009 up-to date
- Visiting Lecturer, Diploma in Information Management and Technology, Department of Library and information Science, University of Kelaniya. 2018 up-to date.
- Visiting Lecturer, National Police Academy, Katana. 2019 up-to date
- Senior Assistant Librarian, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 15.01.2009 to 21.12.2017
- Assistant Librarian, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 15.01.2009 to 14.01.2017
Teaching in 2018
Special Degree Programme
LISC 21443 - Sources in Major Disciplines and Literature Survey Practical
LISC 31474 - Internet and Virtual Resources in Libraries
LISC 32414 - National and International Information Systems and Networks
LISC 41423 - Digital Libraries, Software Organization and Maintenance
LISC 41432 - Documentation, Services and Centers
LISC 42433 - Communication and Presentation Skills for LIS Professionals
LISC 31474 - Internet and Virtual Resources in Libraries
LISC 32414 - National and International Information Systems and Networks
LISC 41423 - Digital Libraries, Software Organization and Maintenance
LISC 41432 - Documentation, Services and Centers
LISC 42433 - Communication and Presentation Skills for LIS Professionals
General Degree Programme
LISC 11222 - Information Literacy and Skills
- Student Councellor, University of Kelaniya(2019)
- Co- Secreatary, Alumni Association, University of Kelaniya (Colombo Branch)2019
- Project Supervisor, Library Development Project, National Police Academy,Katana,2018 up to date
- Project Supervisor, Library Development Project, Central Engineering Consultancy Bure, 2018 up to date.
- Principle Supervisor, Development Project of the Central Cultural Fund Library, Sri Lanka, 2015 up to date
- Web Master, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, 2015-2018
- Vice Chancellor Awards for Best Young Researcher, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya
- Best Institute Web Master- 2015, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya
- Abstract
- Journal
- Paper Articles
- Book Chapters
- Books
- A comparative study on Library Automation Software in University Libraries (Alice for windows, ISURU, Libsys,Libsuite, PURNA), Unpublished dissertation submitted to the Master of Social Sciences Degree, University of Kelaniya, (2005)
- Rathnabahu,R.N.N., Gamage,R.(2018).Asia in Search of New Global Order in 21st Century. In O.N.Thalpawila .,C.bogahawatta (Eds.), Current Status of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETSs) Initiatives in University Libraries of Sri Lanka.Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Sciences (p.28). Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.
- Manatunga,A.,Rathnabahu,N.S., Abuldeniya,P (2018).InA.Manatunga (Eds.), Raja Droheein lesa nam kota marana daduwama niyama karana lada veerayange nama lekanaya (pp.157,158).Badulla: Uwa Provincial Council
- Travel routes in the interior of the island: based on Davy’s an account of the interior of Ceylon and its inhabitants with travels in that land (1821), Conference proceedings of the International conference on Land Transportation, Locomotive Heritage and Road Culture, Centre for Heritage Studies, University of Kelaniya, December 2017.
- Rathnabahu, R.M.N. and Perera, S., The Theses and Dissertations Deposited in Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology Library: A Bibliographical Analysis, Conference proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Library & Information Management – ICLIM, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya, October 2017.
- A study of Senake Bandaranayake Classification Scheme for the Archaeology and Related Disciplines, In M.K Weerasinghe,.W.A Weerasooriya ,.& W.Senevirathne, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Library and Information Management ICLIM – 2016 (p.96)Sri Lanka: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya.
- The Mendeley: an innovative Reference Management Software for Research, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (3rd ICSS) (p.186). Sri Lanka: Research Centre for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya.
- Challenges of using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in university libraries and special libraries in Sri Lanka,In Pradeepa Wijetunge (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Library and Information Science (ICLIS) 2015 (pp.120-124).Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Library Association. DOI :10.13140/RG.2.1.2817.1927 ; DOI (ppt): 10.13140/RG.2.1.3580.2649
- The status of library automation in special libraries of Sri Lanka: The first sixteen years, In A.Noorhidawati,Proceedings of the International Conference on Library and Information Science-2014,(pp. 419-428).Kuala- umpur:DLIS,FCSIT. URL: - A study of usage of Information Communication Technology in University Libraries in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences(p.11). Kelaniya: University of kelaniya .
- Rathnabahu , Nadeeka and Hettiarachchi, Nimal ,A Study on Library Software Usage in University and Special Libraries in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the National Conference on Library & Information Science (NACLIS 2013): Colombo. Link:
- Inforsys Ananda Coomaraswamy, online database launched in the Ananda Coomaraswamy Memorial Conference on Asian art and Culture by the Dr.Roland De Silva. Kelaniya: University of kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 8th - 10th September 2012. Link:,
- Inforsys Ananda Coomaraswamy: special reference to Sri Lankan libraries, In Anura Manatunga (Ed.). Proceedings of the Ananda Coomaraswamy Memorial Conference on Asian art and Culture(pp.89-90). kelaniya : University of kelaniya.
- Comparative study on availability of Electronic Security Systems in University and Special Libraries in Sri Lanka, In W.A Weerasooriya and P. Wanigasooriya (Eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd LIS Research Symposium(pp.61-63). Kelaniya: Alumni of the Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya. ReserchGate: 309710648_Comparative_Study_on_Availability_of_Electron ic_Security_Syatems_in_University_and_Special_Libraries_in_Sri_Lanka
- Bibliometric Study of Ananda Coomaraswamy: Special Reference to Sri Lankan Libraries, Proceedings of the NILIS Symposium 2012, National Institute of Library and Information Science. Colombo: Sri Lanka Foundation. YouTube Link:,
- Digital Repository for Archaeological Resources: with special reference to PGIAR Library, Proceedings of the 5th RASSL Annual Research Symposium (pp-278-279). Colombo : Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka ReserchGate:
- Comparative Study on availability of Digital Library in University and Special Libraries in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Research Conference of Faculty of Graduate Studies (p.143). Kelaniya: University of Kelaniya , Alumni of the Library and Information Science. ReserchGate:
- Promotion of Digital Literacy and Skills of the School Students, Proceedings of the 4th Research Conference. Colombo: Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka
- Promotion of Information Communication Technology skills of Undergraduate Archaeology Students in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference,International Association for Asian Heritage-IAAH.Colombo: IAAHURL:
- Library software usage in Sri Lankan university libraries: special references to Kelaniya, Moratuwa, Ruhuna, Open University, Sabaragamuwa University libraries, InSym-SUSL 2010:Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium. Sri Lanka : Sabaragamuwa University
- Internet usage in Sri Lankan Special Libraries, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Research Conference of the Faculty of Graduate Studies(p.45). University of Kelaniya , Alumni of the Library and Information Science: Kelaniya.
Marasinghe, I. K., Weerasooriya, W. A., & Rathnabahu, N. (2023). Behavioral intention to use electronic resources by distance learners: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 0(0).
- Importance of the Bluetooth Beacon Technology within the libraries.Sri Lanka Library Review,30(2016),17-28. URL:
- Kiyaweeme vedagatkama’ (Sinhala), National Library and Documentation services Board, 2012.
- Mrudukanga(Software)(Sinhala),Vidyarthi Sangara, Department of library and Information Science,2009
- Wikipedia Vishwakoshaya (Sinhala), Nawaugaya Sinhala Monthly Magazine, April 2007.
- New Technology for Library (Pusthakalayata Naweena Thakshanaya ) (Sinhala),Published on Nawaugaya Sinhala Monthly Magazine ,January 2007.
- Digital Technology for Libraries- Greenstone Software (Pusthakalayata Digital Thakshanaya:
- Library automation in Sri Lanka (sinhala), In Rev. Legumdeniye Piyarathana,W.A Weerasooriya & R.D Ananda Tissa (Eds.), Festschrift for Senior Professor Piyadasa Ranasinghe (pp205-215).Ragama : Piyadadasa Ranasinghe Foundation,
- Selected writing of E.R. Goonerathne, In Janaka Goonethileke and Prof Senake Bandaranayake (Eds.),Atapattu Walawwa: the residence of the Goonerathne and Dias Abeyesinghe families of Galle (p.170).Gall: Atapattu Walawwa.
Illangarathne, S.K., Rathnabahu R.M.,& Samarakoon, Manori (2012). Inforsys Ananda kelaniya: Centre for Asian art and culture,University of kelaniya. ISBN:978-955-4563-01-8.