MSSC Degree Program
MSSc program is designed for developing and delivering high-level competencies among the personnel who are serving and those who are expecting to serve in the library, archive, museum, documentation, computing, and ICT, knowledge and information management establishments either in Sri Lanka or abroad. The librarians, information officers, archivist, documentation scientists and managers in computing and ICT sector who lead information handling and information management businesses would be the human capital targeted by this program. The program has developed based on modern teaching, learning, delivering and evaluating models aiming the all participants to identify, acquire, grasp, design and develop advanced skills, knowledge, change of life, visionary outlook and the entrepreneurships through the program and outside to the program.
Objectives of the program
To demonstrate an understanding of the types and nature, origin, collection, organization and delivery of information and its uses, the interaction between information and its users and the appropriate latest technology and systems that produce, analyse and disseminate information.
To apply the theory and practice in relevant subjects areas where and when necessary.
To acquire and put into practice up-to-date subject knowledge, techniques, professional judgment and appropriate behaviours and competencies relevant to the job market.
To work as true professionals, lifelong information workers and learners with necessary understanding and expertise
To produce high quality library and information professionals to fulfil the skilled manpower requirements in the field of library and information science in the country
To produce high quality library and information professionals with necessary skills and capabilities to be driving forces of the emerging knowledge society
To encourage and develop the research culture in LIS in Sri Lanka
Admission Criteria
- A Bachelor's Degree (General/Special) from a recognized University in the relevant subject area
A Bachelor's degree (Special/General) from a recognized university with the Higher Diploma in Library and Information Science from the University of Kelaniya or a Degree with a pass in the Final Examination of Sri Lanka Library Association
Target Group
Higher executive level personnel working in government and private sector in Sri Lanka or abroad
Duration / Course Fee
Course Fee : Rs. 137000.00
Prof. W.A. Weerasooriya
Dept. of Library and Information Science
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
sooria29@yahoo.com Mobile: 0714458345
Tele: - 011/2903904 or Department Direct line:-011/2917712
Fax: -011/2913857 or 011/2 911915
Web: - http://www.kln.ac.lk