BA (Special Degree Programme
Library Science and Information Science (LIS) is a growing academic and professional subject field, which has by now attained the status of a separate discipline. The management of libraries needs persons with academic, professional qualifications and expertise. Proficiency in one or two subjects in the natural sciences, social sciences or the humanities and the management is helpful in the professional development of a librarian/Information Specialist for delivering an effective and efficient Library and Information service for the learning societies.
Objectives of the program
- To enable the student to apprehend the functions and purpose of library in changing socio, economic, political, academic and modern ICT environments;
- To equip them with knowledge, skills and attitudes for the collection, organization, arrangement and the dissemination of information in different types of libraries and information centers;
- To provide basic knowledge and aptitude of computing in order to serve in any LIS setting and to apply them for different types of LIS services;
- To produce mid level professionals who can work in various types of libraries including information centers and digital libraries;
- To prepare them for further studies and research in areas of library, ICT and other related fields;
- To prepare the students as beginners of knowledge workers in the learning and knowledge society.
Broad Intended Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Library and Information Science Module, every student will be able to describe the system of libraries and information centers. The students will be able to manage the traditional and digital libraries in handling the issues at the service points independently. The student will be able to use library automation software and work in a digital and any virtual environment.
Overview of Courses
The focused areas are the fundamental elements of librarianship and a historical overview of libraries and information centers, Librarianship as a profession and the place of libraries in knowledge based society, Information systems and networks, ICT, Information literacy and ability to recognize, locate, evaluate, and use effectively when information is needed. Information literacy in the contemporary environment that provides the basis for lifelong learning common to all disciplines. The other areas are the types of libraries and their services, library building and equipment including library standards. Book trade, publishing, copyright, reprography and fair use, issues related to book trade resource sharing and library cooperation.
Library materials and sources and services, Introduction to bibliographic control: Library cataloguing and classification theory and practice, Reference services, sources and practices, Introduction to library management including finance, staff, human resources, statistics and library marketing. Managing change areas are the Library automation, Maintaining of databases in libraries, Use of internet, WWW and digital collection development in libraries.