
Lecture delivered by

Semester II
Semester II$20.00
LISC 42422
LISC 42422 $20.00
Record Management, Conservation and Preservation
Record Management, Conservation and Preservation $20.00
Credit 2
Credit 2$20.00
Course Aims:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to manage records and to apply principles of conservation and preservation of documents both printed and non-printed.

Course Content: (Main topics, Sub topics)

Record Management: Current Records, Semi-current and inactive records management;   Archives management: Preservation and Conservation: Book repair and binding; Concept of preservation and conservation of library materials from printed to digital formats, Restoration of Archival and Library materials, Preservation Programme: Enemies of Archival and Library Materials: Human, Biological, Chemical and Disasters such as Floods, Fire; Restoration Techniques: Tissue, Repair, Lamination, Encapsulation, De-acidification, Fumigation, Sublimation; Reprography: History of Reprography, Reprography Techniques, Equipment, Material; Computer Scanning; National Achieves as a centre for primary Sources with Special reference to Sri Lanka.

Teaching /Learning Activities: 

Lectures/ Tutorials/ Presentations/ Practical sessions/ Creative activities

Assessment Strategy:

Continuous Assessment


Final Assessment



Quizzes 10%, Assignment 20%, Attendance

Individual Assignment

Class Test 10%











Recommended Reading:

  • Cook, M. (1986), The Management of Information from Achieves, Gower, Farnham.

  • Feather, J. (1996), Preservation and the Management of Library Collections, 2nd ed., Library Association Publishing, London.  

  • Jenkinson, H. (1966), A Manual of Achieves Administration, 2nd ed., Oxford, London. 

  • Kraft, N. E. (2008), The Changing Book: Transitions in Design, Production, and Preservation, Haworth Information Press, New York.

  • Prapati, C. L. (2005), Conservation of Documents: Problems and Solutions: Policy Perspectives, 1st ed., Mittal Publications, New Delhi.

  • Ramaiah, L. S & Sujatha, G. (2008), Preservation of Library, Archival and Digital Documents: Problems and Perspectives, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi.

  • Schellen, B. T. R. (1964), Modern Archives Principles and Techniques, University of Chicago press, Chicago.

  • Swartzburg, S. G. (1995), Preserving Library Materials: A Manual, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen.



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