Donation of books to schools in Embilipitiya Education Zone
Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya under its Library Development Programme has initiated a project named “Donation of Stationeries and Books to needy schools in rural areas”. Under this project, Stationeries and Book Donation was successfully carried out on 11th January 2022, by handing over its first stock among 40 schools selected in Embilipitiya Education Zone and this function was ceremonially held at the Maduwanwela Janapada Vidyalaya in Embilipitiya. Mr. Sepala Kuruppu Arachchi, Sabaragamuwa Provincial Director of Education and Mr. Anura, Director of Education Embiliptitya Education Zone, Mrs. Vijitha Gunathilake, Retired Teacher Instructor, and Principals of the above schools including the Principal and the students of Maduwanwela Janapada Vidyalaya attended this grand occasion.