Lecture delivered by

Course Aims: Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to prepare catalogue entries applying theoretical principles in cataloguing codes. |
Course Content: (Main topics, Sub topics) Bibliographic control ;Introduction to cataloguing; definitions, objectives; History of cataloguing; cataloguing codes; BMC, Jewett’s code, RDC, AACR, CCC; ICCP; ISBD and MARC; Forms of catalogue, inner and outer. Cooperative and Centralized cataloguing, Union Catalogues, CIP, NPAC programmes, Limited Cataloguing. |
Teaching /Learning Activities: Lectures/ Tutorials/ Presentations/ Practical sessions/ Creative activities |
Assessment Strategy: |
Continuous Assessment 50% |
Final Assessment 50% |
Details: Quizzes 10%, Assignment 20%, Attendance Individual Assignment Class Test 10% Quiz |
Theory 60% |
Practical NA |
Other NA |
60 |
Recommended Reading: