Ms. Dineesha Liyanage - Senior Lecturer IIBA,MPhil(Kelaniya)dldenuwan@gmail.com
Mrs. Dineesha Liyanage completed her BA (Special) Degree in Mass Communication, with a First-class Division in 2013. She awarded Gold Medal, “Swarna Mudrica” at the General Convocation for the Best Student in 2013 Mass Communication batch in the Department of Mass Communication, awarded by the Faculty of Social Sciences, the University of Kelaniya in 2013 August. She won the “Shelton Gunarathne” Scholarship for consecutive two years for her highest GPA marks of BA (Hons) Degree in Mass Communication Examination in the academic year 2011 and 2012. She completed her Postgraduate Studies in Master of Philosophy (M.phil) Degree from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka in 2017. She worked as a Project Assistant from February 2015 – 2017 in the Centre for Gender Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Further, She had been worked as a Free-lance Journalist at Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd (ANCL) from February 2013 to 2014. Her main research interests are Popular Culture, Communication and Semiotics, Fashion Culture and Communication, Advertising, Nonverbal Communication, Cross-Cultural Studies, Self Presentation theories, and Personal Public relations, Also, she was interested in gender studies. Her recent academic research was focused on the “Semiotic analysis of beauty embedded in modeling”.