Aruna Lokuliyana steps into the arena of Visual Media when he became the first followed by a course on Television Production and Technology conducted by the National Youth Council of Sri Lanka. “Aishwarya Winsathiya” (The Black Era) is his first Telefilm that wins the OCIC, UNDA Awards. “Ranthali” (Golden Pot) and “Mindada Gangawa” (The River of Love) are his semi-documentary Films while “Visitors at the Water’s edge” is a documentary film directed by him. Meanwhile, he directed the short film “We Love Football” under the theme of “Football and Culture” organized by the Berlin Talent campus in parallel to the Berlin International Film Festival. This above-mentioned short film was selected among the best 50s out of 623 short films which have been represented by 90 countries in the world. Then it was selected for the best 25 films to the promotional campaigns of FIFA World cup-2006 in Berlin by the World Football Federation. It was entitled as the “Film of the Day” under the short films category in the the55th Berlin International Film Festival with a huge appreciation of commentators and spectators. He has been working as a member of a panel of judges in Prominent Film and television award Ceremonies in Sri Lanka such as the National Television Awards organized by the Cultural Ministry in Sri Lanka, UNDA Awards for Film and Television held by OCIC Sri Lanka, National Youth Television Awards held by National Youth Service Council in Sri Lanka.