- Completed a Research Project carried out in the Mahaweli areas in Sri Lanka in October 1983; titled "The Use of Short Films for Development Communication in Rural Society"
- Intensive Research Project at Urban & Rural areas in Sri Lanka in August 1989, titled; "Mass Consciousness and Television"
- Research for the Department of Sociology, Open University, Sri Lanka in 1989 on "The History of Sri Lankan Newspapers, as ground preparation for a Television Documentary"'
- Consultant of the Research Project on "Impact of Television on the Children of Sri Lanka" (Island wide) aged 3-15 years - 1998
- Chief Researcher - World Bank Project "Conservation and Sustainable use of Medicinal Plants - Sri Lanka.Preparation of a Communication Strategic Plan (1999)
- Chief Researcher of Media Strategic Plan, Co-operative Insurance Company, Sri Lanka (1999)
- Research Assistant - "Conflict Resolution and Communication" - Study of Social, Political and Ethnic New resulting in the image distortion of Sri Lanka (2000).
- Consultant (Media) - Influence of Media on Selected Health Issues".A research study funded by JICA for the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Welfare Contents of the Research on Analysis - Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, sex, safe sex and HIV/Aids in Media.(2003).
- Researcher - Children and Television Media in Sri Lanka - Organized by UNDA, Sri Lanka and the Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya.(1999-2000)
- Chief Researcher - an island wide survey on "Children and Television in Sri Lanka" and "Gender Equity and Media".Funded by SIDA (2003)
- Chief Researcher - the Survey on Media usage for the prevention of tuberculosis in Sri Lanka (2004).
- Chief Researcher - Audience research in SLRC 2006 -2010
- Chief Researcher – Research and Monitoring unit, Government Information Department, 2011 – 2014
- Chief Researcher, research on sustainable energy school programme, sustainable energy authority,2017
Presentations of Special Research Papers and Participation for International Conferences;
- Presented a paper at the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) Central and South Asia Regional Network Meeting held in September 15 - 17, 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh - Titled "TELEVISION MEDIA IN SRI LANKA ON THE IMPACT OF CHILDREN" (Excerpts of a Case Study carried out in Sri Lanka by the Research Unit of the Department of Mass Communication, University of kelaniya).
- Presented a paper titled; "ICT for Rural Development"2001 - Sub Regional Workshop on Community Broadcasting, "Community Broadcasting in the Digital Age" - Sponsored by UNESCO Office, New Delhi in collaboration with the Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya, May 2001.25 Members participated from the SAARC Region India, Maldives, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka respectively.
- Presented a Research Paper on the "History of the Sri Lankan Film" tracing back the history to 56 years at the National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka (2003.02.21)
- "Sri Lankan cinema amidst modern communication Developments" was a paper presented on the occasion of the OCIC Salutation (2002 and 2001) on 22nd January 2002, at the Elphinston Theatre, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Presented a paper titled; "Use of ICT and Conventional Media for Development in the Asian Region" in HARNESSING ICT AND CONVENTIONAL MEDIA FOR POVERTY REDUCTION PROGRAMMES on 1st July 2004 at 13th AMIC Annual Conference ICT & Media Inputs and Development Outcomes.Impact of New and Old Media on Development in Asia, 1 - 3 July, 2004 - Bangkok, Thailand
- Presented a paper; titled "Rising above divides which will be a critical reflection of Sri Lankan National Media" for South Asian Free Media Association's (SAFMA) Conference on 7th January 2005 in Dhaka.
- Presented a paper titled; "The Horse Race model of Communication" in the ICCFMS 2015: 17th International Conference on Communication, Film and Media Sciences to be held in London, World Academy of Science, United Kingdom, December, 10 , 2015.
- Bangkok workshop to introduce new mindful journalism curriculum for regional integration, Within the framework of UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication, the Communication Arts Faculty of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok is hosting a ten-day workshop from 4 to 12 July to introduce the new mindful journalism training curriculum drawn from Asia’s age-old philosophical wisdoms. 2016