Email: prishanta@kln.ac.lk
Contacts: 0714458362
Room No: G-01
Research interests
Cultural Resource Management, Buddhist Archaeology and Colonial Archaeology, Tourism, Social-archaeology and Anthropology, Urbanization
Teaching in 2025
General Degree Programme:
ARCH 12315 Definitions, Methods and Techniques of Archaeology
Special Degree Programme:
ARCH 21424 Ancient Sri Lankan Architecture
ARCH 22444 Archaeological Heritage Management
Director General - Central Cultural Fund, Government of Sri Lanka (2015-2018)
Competent Authority - Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya (2018)
CO-Director - Sri Lanka/China Archaeological Research Project, organized by the Central Cultural Fund, Sri Lanka and Shanghai Museum, China (2018)
CO-Director - Jaffna Post disaster Archaeological Research Project (2016-2018), Polonnaruwa Archaeological and Anthropological Research Project (2015-2017), Upper Malwatu-Oya Archaeological Exploration Project (2004-2009), organized by the Central Cultural Fund,Sri Lanka in collaboration with Universities of Durham, Stirling, Leicester, Bradford, United Kingdom and Baroda, India
Co-Director - Polonnaruwa Archaeology and Anthropology Urban Landscape Project. organized by the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya in collaboration with La Trobe University, Australia
Steering Committee member - International Workshop on Ancient Urbanization in Sri Lanka (IWAUS) 2023, University of Kelaniya
Steering Committee member - The Innaugural Annual Senake Bandaranayake Symposium on Sri Lankan Archaeology, University of Kelaniya.
Steering Committee member - Workshop on Archaeology, Anthropology and Tourism for Junior Researchers 2023, University of Kelaniya.
- Introduction to the Concept of Post -disaster Archaeology: Case Study in Jaffna Peninsula, International Forum and Conference on Post-disaster Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2021
- Interaction with Silk Road from Island of Kayts in Jaffna Peninsula-Sri Lanka, The 1st International Conference on Silk Road Sustainable Tourism Development and Cultural Heritage, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 22-24 November 2021
- Centre and Hinterland Strategical City Planning in Sri Lanka, A Comparative Regional Archaeological Conference and Field Tour of the Greater Lumbini Area. Lumbini Development Trust, Nepal, 5th and 8th March 2020.
- Foreign Relation between Sri Lanka and Malaysia through the Silk Road, 4th Malaysia -China Cultural and Art Forum-Oriental Culture Heritage Conservation, in Melaka, Malaysia, from 29th to 30th August 2019
- The Archaeological Findings in Jaffna Peninsula and International Trade in Indian Ocean, International Conference of Silk Road, Shanghai Museum,Shanghai,2019
- Sino-Sri Lanka Maritime Archaeology in Southern Coastal Area, Institute of Acoustics Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China,2018.
- The Ancient Maritime Trade in South- South East Asian Context and Sri Lanka, The International Symposium on Past, Present and Future of ASEAN Maritime Heritage, Bangkok, 2017.
- Tsunami Responses, Sri Lanka Heritage at Risk 2017, Pathways to the Protection and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage in South Asia, Kathmandu, Organized by Durham University, 3rd and 4th September 2017.
- Revenue from Heritage and Investment for the Protection: Formation of World Cultural Heritage Tourism System in Sri Lanka, AHRC- sponsored Lumbini Scoping Workshop and Conference in the Western Teral, Arts and Humanities Research Council, Nepal, between the 5th and 10th December 2016
- City of Anuradhapura and its Global Affiliations, The Second Kathmandu Cultural Forum, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2016
- The Polonnaruwa Heritage, Architectural Planning and Monumental Organization, East China Normal University Art Research Institute, Shanghai, China, 2016.
- The Current Issues of the World Heritage Sites of Sri Lanka, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 2016
- Living Heritage: Tourism Product for the Vadda Society of Sri Lanka, SAARC Cultural Conference held in Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2012
- The Buddhist Monastic Planning Strategy at Anuradhapura Hinterland, Buddhist Monastic Conference, University of Kelaniya- 2010
- Getting Random for Looking at Reality: Alternative Methods for Random Survey, International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya 18-20 July 2008
- Prehistoric Evidence Discovered through the Upper Malwaru Oya Exploration Project, International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya 18-20 July 2008
- Begging or Cooking: A Study on the Monastic Life of the Anuradhapura Hinterland, International Conferences on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, 18-20 July 2008
- Megalithic Burials and the Anuradhapura Factor, International Conferences on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, 18-20 July 2008.
- Miniature Art: Female Dominance of the Terracotta Figurines, International Conferences on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, 18-20 July 2008
- The State Theocracy: Defining an Early Medieval Hinterland in Sri Lanka, International Conferences on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, 18-20 July 2008
- The Female Dominance of the Terracotta Culture of Sri Lanka, 1 st International Conference on Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya-2008
- The Future Perspective of the Research in Anuradhapura Hinterland, Upper Malwatu-Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, Board Room, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya-2008
- Destruction, Construction; An Approach to Rescue Archaeology, South Asian Archaeological Congress (SOSSA), University of Mumbai, India-2007
- Three Professors of the Department of Archaeology, 10th International Conference on Sri Lankan Studies, University of Kelaniya-2006
- The Urban form of Anuradhapura, Upper Malwatu Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, Board room, Faculty of Social Sciences, University Of Kelaniya-2006
- Archaeology: The Three Savants in Field of Sri Lankan Buddhist Monasteries Architecture, 10th International Conference on Sri Lanka, University of Kelaniya. 2005.
- The Buddhist Monastic Architecture at the Hinterland of Anuradhapura, Upper Malwatu Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, Board Room, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya-2005
- The Excavation at Upper Malwatu-Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, Board room, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya-2004
- Archaeological Heritage Management: Historical Analysis Concepts and Forms of the Buddhist Monasteries, 9th International Conference on Sri Lankan Studies, University of Ruhuna-2003
- The Buddhist Monastic Pattern at Ancient Magama, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, UK-2001
- Japan: Cultural Heritage and Conservation Technology, Japanese International Co-operation Agency, Japan – 1998
- Sri Lanka: History and Some Important Heritage Sites. Azuchi Museum, Japan 1998
- Cultural Heritage of Sri Lanka and Conservation Technology. Japanese International Co-operation Agency, Japan – 1998
- The New Development of World Heritage Sites of Sri Lanka, University of Shiga- 1998
- The Modernization of Vedda Society of Sri Lanka- An Ethno Archaeological Perspective, organized by Prof. Peter White, University of Sydney, Australia-1995
National Conferences
- Archaeology of trade in the Indian Ocean: Recent Evidence from Kayts Island in Jaffna Peninsula, Inaugural Annual Senake Bandaranayake Symposium on Sri Lankan Archaeology, Organized by the Department of Archaeology Faculty of Social Sciences and the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 2023
- Professor H.T Basnayake, Conference, organized by Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, Sri Lanka-2013
- Education History of Modern Sri Lanka, Navodaya Educational Centre, Kandy, Sri Lanka-2012
- Alawala Excavation, National Archaeological Congress, Department of Archaeology, Colombo-2008
- Terracotta Figurine Discovered in the Eastern Province, Royal Asiatic society, Colombo-2008
- Heritage Tourism: Land Management and Site Presentation, Annual Research Symposium, University of Kelaniya. 2006
- The Archaeological Heritage of Biyagama Division, Annual Research Symposium, University of Kelaniya. 2006
- The Character of Pabbata Vihara, Third National Archaeology Congress: Department of Archaeological Survey, Colombo. 2006
- One Man's Rubbish another Man's Treasure: The Fundamental Problems Associated with Archaeological Ceramic Analysis: Annual Research Symposium, University of Kelaniya. 2005
- Tsunami: Affected Archaeological Sites in the Western Province, Sri Lanka. Annual Research Symposium, University of Kelaniya. 2005
- Archaeological Heritage Kelaniya River Valley Region Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya. 2004
- Archaeological Heritage Management: Historical Analysis of the Concepts and Form of Buddhist Monasteries, 9th International Conference on Sri Lankan Studies, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, 2003
- Archaeological Heritage in Sri Lanka: Some Significant Trends Pertaining to the Preservation and Security of the Buddhist Monasteries – Annual Research Symposium, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 2003
- Pabbta Vihara Monasteries, Second National Archaeological Symposium, held at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, organized by Department of Archaeology, Colombo 2003
- Buddhist Architecture at Kelaniya Valley. St. Mary’s Vidyalaya Seminar Room, Sri Lanka – 1996
- Landscape Archaeology at Menikdena Pabbta Vihara. A Seminar on Comparative Studies in Landscape Archaeology, Bandaranayke Memorial International Conference Hall, Colombo - 1994
- Architecture of Anuradhapura City. Eheliyagoda Maha Vidyalaya Seminar Room - 1992
- Note of the Kaludiyapokuna and Menikdena Monastic Sites. Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology Seminar Room - 1991
- Nagalakanda Buddhist Monastery. 2nd National Archaeological Congress, Colombo– 1990
Low-Density Urbanism, Vidyalankara Press, Colombo. 2022
- Archaeology; Architectural Heritage and Socio-Economic Development, Samanthi Publishers, Ja-ela, 2022
- Jaffna: Post-disaster Archaeology, Maritime Commerce and Urbanism, Neptune Publications, Colombo, 2020
- Ibbankatuwae, Central Cultural Fund, Colombo-2018.
- D.S Senanayake: The God of Farmers, Neptune Publication, Colombo ,2014
- Anuradhapura Volume 111: The Hinterland with R.A.E Coningham, BAR International Series 2568, UK, 2013
- Political History of Polonnaruwa: Neptune Publication, Colombo, 2013
- Sigiriya: Guide book, Neptune Publication, Colombo, 2012
- The Ancient Buddhist Monasteries, Samanthi Publication,Ja-ela ,2010
- Polonnaruwa District: The Monuments and Sites, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Colombo, 2009
- Ancient Architecture and Built Environment, S. Godage, Colombo- 2009
- Development of the Buddhist Monasteries Toward Urbanism in Southern Sri Lanka, Neptune Publication, Colombo, 2009
- Tourism Industry: The Products of the Developing Countries, Samanthi, Publishers, Ja-ela-2007
- Sigiri Entrance, Samanthi Publishers, Ja-ela, 2007
- Archaeology. Introduction and Fundamental Concepts, Samanthi Publishers, Ja-ela, 2006.
- Buddhist Monasteries, Samanthi Publishers, Ja-ela, 2005
- Polonnaruwa, Archaeological Survey Department, Colombo, 2005
- Archaeological Heritage in Sri Lanka: Concepts and Forms, Samanthi Publishers, Ja-ela, 2005
- Ancient Village; An Ethno Archaeological Study, Samanthi Publishers, Ja-ela, 2004
- Sigiriya Monastic Archaeology. Abaya Publishers, Mahara, 1998.
Gunawardhana, P., Strickland, K., Namalgamuwa, H., Adikari, G., Senanayake, J., Penzo-Kajewski, P., Marasinghe, P., Rammungoda, U.R., Young, B., Amaratunga, T., Jinasiri, Ven. K., Urban landscape and planning strategy of Polonnaruwa central urban area, Workshop of the Polonnaruwa Archaeology and Anthropology Urban Landscape Project, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, (2024).
Gunawardhana, P., Strickland, K., Penzo-Kajewski, P., Young, B., Namalgamuwa, H., Senanayake, J., Marasinghe, P., Rammungoda, U.R., Amaratunga, T., Seneviratne, S., Jinasiri, Ven. K., Seeing beneath the jungle tide: Preliminary results from a geophysical survey of the Polonnaruwa citadel, Workshop of the Polonnaruwa Archaeology and Anthropology Urban Landscape Project, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, (2024).
Gunawardhana, P., Strickland, K., Penzo-Kajewski, P., Young, B., Namalgamuwa, H., Senanayake, J., Rammungoda, U.R., Marasinghe, P., Adikari, G., Gunawardhana, S., Drilling into ancient urbanism: Preliminary results from an auger survey of the Polonnaruwa citadel, Workshop of the Polonnaruwa Archaeology and Anthropology Urban Landscape Project, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, (2024).
Strickland, K., Penzo-Kajewski, P., Gunawardhana, P., Senanayake, J., Namalgamuwa, H., Young, B., Rammungoda, U.R., Marasinghe, P., Applications of photogrammetry for recording & presenting archaeological fieldwork: A review, Workshop of the Polonnaruwa Archaeology and Anthropology Urban Landscape Project, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, (2024).
Rammungoda, U.R., Gunawardhana, P., Strickland, K., Namalgamuwa, H., Senanayake, J., Gunawardhana, S., Young, B., Pamalka, H., Amarasinghe, K., Archaeological site maintenance and archaeological heritage managements: Polonnaruwa citadel from a tourist perspective, Workshop of the Polonnaruwa Archaeology and Anthropology Urban Landscape Project, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, (2024).
Senanayake, J., Pamalka, H., Gunawardhana, P., Rammungoda, U.R., Strickland, K., Namalgamuwa, H., Gunawardhana, S., Amarasinghe, K., Benchmarking the social and economic impacts of Polonnaruwa World Heritage Site according to domestic visitor survey, Workshop of the Polonnaruwa Archaeology and Anthropology Urban Landscape Project, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, (2024).
Pamalka, H., Gunawardhana, P., Strickland, K., Namalgamuwa, H., Senanayake, J., Rammungoda, U.R., Young, B., Gunawardhana, S., Amarasinghe, K., Benchmarking the social and economic impacts of Polonnaruwa World Heritage Site according to international visitor survey, Workshop of the Polonnaruwa Archaeology and Anthropology Urban Landscape Project, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, (2024).
Rammungoda, U.R., Senanayake, J., Namalgamuwa, H., Gunawardhana, P., Coningham, R., Thantilage, A., Strickland, K., Manuel, M., The supported outerline towns of the urbanization of ancient Anuradhapura, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ancient Urbanization in Sri Lanka (IWAUS), University of Kelaniya, (2023).
Davis, C., Manuel, M., Gunawardhana, P., Namalgamuwa, H., Coningham, R., Krishnan, K., Senanayake, J., Rammungoda, U.R., Exploring the hinterland of Polonnaruwa: Centralised, planned and pluralistic low-density urbanism within medieval Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ancient Urbanization in Sri Lanka (IWAUS) University of Kelaniya, (2023).
Gunawardhana, P., Coningham, R., Jie, C., Strickland, K., Pushparathnam, P., Namalgamuwa, H., Davis, C., Senanayake, J., Rammungoda, U.R., A microcosm of cosmopolitan urbanism on the Kayts Island of Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ancient Urbanization in Sri Lanka (IWAUS) University of Kelaniya, (2023).
Gunawardhana, P., Jie, C., Strickland, K., Pushparathnam, P., Namalgamuwa, H., Senanayake, J., Rammungoda, U.R., Archaeology of trade in the Indian Ocean: Recent evidence from Kayts Island in Jaffna Peninsula-Sri Lanka, The Innaugural Annual Senake Bandaranayake Symposium on Sri Lankan Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, (2023).
Gunawardhana, P., Introduction to the Concept of Post -disaster Archaeology: Case Study in Jaffna Peninsula, International Forum and Conference on Post-disaster Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (2021)
Gunawardhana, P., Interaction with Silk Road from Island of Kayts in Jaffna Peninsula-Sri Lanka, The 1st International Conference on Silk Road Sustainable Tourism Development and Cultural Heritage, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, (2021)
Gunawardhana, P., Centre and hinterland strategical sity planning in sri lanka, A Comparative Regional Archaeological Conference and Field Tour of the Greater Lumbini Area. Lumbini Development Trust, Nepal, (2020).
Gunawardhana, P., Foreign relations between Sri Lanka and Malaysia through the Silk Road, 4th Malaysia -China Cultural and Art Forum-Oriental Culture Heritage Conservation, Melaka, Malaysia, (2019).
Gunawardhana, P., The archaeological findings in Jaffna Peninsula and international trade in Indian Ocean, International Conference of Silk Road, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, (2019).
Gunawardhana, P., Sino-Sri Lanka Maritime Archaeology in Southern Coastal Area, Institute of Acoustics Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, (2018).
Gunawardhana, P., The ancient maritime trade in South- Southeast Asian context and Sri Lanka, The International Symposium on Past, Present and Future of ASEAN Maritime Heritage, Bangkok, (2017).
Gunawardhana, P., Tsunami Responses: Sri Lanka heritage at risk, Pathways to the Protection and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage in South Asia, Kathmandu, Organized by Durham University, (2017).
Gunawardhana, P., Revenue from heritage and investment for the protection: Formation of world cultural heritage tourism system in Sri Lanka, AHRC- sponsored Lumbini Scoping Workshop and Conference in the Western Teral, Arts and Humanities Research Council, Nepal, (2016).
Gunawardhana, P., City of Anuradhapura and its global affiliations, The Second Kathmandu Cultural Forum, Kathmandu, Nepal, (2016).
Gunawardhana, P., The Polonnaruwa heritage: Architectural planning and monumental organization, East China Normal University Art Research Institute, Shanghai, China, (2016).
Gunawardhana, P., The current issues of the world heritage sites of Sri Lanka, East China Normal University, Shanghai, (2016).
Gunawardhana, P., Living heritage: Tourism product for the Vadda society of Sri Lanka, SAARC Cultural Conference held in Kandy, Sri Lanka, (2012).
Gunawardhana, P., The Buddhist monastic planning strategy at Anuradhapura hinterland, Buddhist Monastic Conference, University of Kelaniya, (2010).
Gunawardhana, P., Getting random for looking at reality: Alternative methods for random survey, International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2008).
Gunawardhana, P., Prehistoric evidence discovered through the Upper Malwaru Oya Exploration Project, International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2008).
Gunawardhana, P., Begging or cooking: A study on the monastic life of the Anuradhapura hinterland, International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2008).
Gunawardhana, P., Megalithic burials and the Anuradhapura factor, International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2008).
Gunawardhana, P., Miniature art: Female Dominance of the terracotta figurines, International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2008).
Gunawardhana, P., The state theocracy: Defining an Early Medieval hinterland in Sri Lanka, International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2008).
Gunawardhana, P., The female dominance of the terracotta culture of Sri Lanka, International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2008).
Gunawardhana, P., The future perspective of the research in Anuradhapura hinterland, Upper Malwatu-Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2008).
Gunawardhana, P., Destruction, construction: An approach to rescue archaeology, South Asian Archaeological Congress (SOSSA), University of Mumbai, India, (2007).
Gunawardhana, P., Three Professors of the Department of Archaeology, 10th International Conference on Sri Lankan Studies, University of Kelaniya, (2006).
Gunawardhana, P., The urban form of Anuradhapura, Upper Malwatu Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2006).
Gunawardhana, P., Archaeology: The three savants in field of Sri Lankan Buddhist monastic architecture, 10th International Conference on Sri Lanka, University of Kelaniya, (2005).
Gunawardhana, P., The Buddhist monastic architecture at the hinterland of Anuradhapura, Upper Malwatu Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2005).
Gunawardhana, P., The Excavation at Upper Malwatu-Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, (2005).
Gunawardhana, P., Archaeological heritage management: Historical analysis concepts and forms of the Buddhist monasteries, 9th International Conference on Sri Lankan Studies, University of Ruhuna, (2003).
Gunawardhana, P., The Buddhist monastic pattern at ancient Magama, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, UK, (2001).
Gunawardhana, P., Japan: Cultural heritage and conservation technology, Japanese International Co-operation Agency, Japan, (1998).
Gunawardhana, P., Sri Lanka: History and some important heritage sites, Azuchi Museum, Japan, (1998).
Gunawardhana, P., Cultural heritage of Sri Lanka and conservation technology, Japanese International Co-operation Agency, Japan, (1998).
Gunawardhana, P., The new development of world heritage sites of Sri Lanka, University of Shiga Japan, (1998).
Gunawardhana, P., The modernization of Vedda society of Sri Lanka: An ethno-archaeological perspective, Organized by University of Sydney, Australia, (1995).
Gunawardhana, P., Manuel, M., Namalgamuwa, H., Coningham, R., Davis, C., Krishnan, K., Rammungoda, U.R. (2021). Low-Density Urbanism in Medieval Sri Lanka: Exploring the Hinterland of Polonnaruva. Asian Perspectives 60(2), 248-271. https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/asi.2021.0002
Gunawardhana, P., (2021). Piloting Post-disaster Archaeological Heritage Protection at Jaffna Fort, Sri Lanka, Archaeologia, 2(3), 1-11.
Gunawardhana, P., Coningham, R., Pushparatnam, P., Davis, C., Namalgamuwa, H., Senanayake, J., Roshani, U. (2021). Geophysical Survey, Archaeological Risk Map and Heritage Protection at Jaffna Fort and its Environs, Sri Lanka, Archaeologia, 2(3), 23-36.
Gunawardhana, P., Coningham, R., Schmidt, A., Manuel, M., Senanayake, J., Namalgamuwa, H., Davis, C., Herath, T. (2021). Geophysical Survey: Anuradhapura Mahavihara Area, Archaeologia, 2(3), 52-73.
Edited Journals
Editor - Archaeologia: Journal of South Asian Archaeology
Book Chapters
Gunawardhana, P., (2021). Cultural understanding and key elements of aboriginal tourism: Case study of Vedda society, In Sri Lanka: Contemporary Issues in Socio-economic Development, In Honour of Professor Herath Madana Bandara, (pp. 266-278), Pelawatta: Neptune Publications.
Gunawardhana, P., (2018). Excavation of Demalamahaseya, Polonnaruva: 2014-2017, In Gunawardhana, P. & Robin Coningham (Eds.) Buddha Rashmi Vesak Volume: Essays in Buddhism and Buddhist Monastic Archaeology (pp.1-7), Colombo: Central Cultural Fund.
Gunawardhana, P., (2018). Hydraulic Complexities: Collapse and Resilience in Sri Lanka, in Sulas, F. & Innocent Pikirayi (Eds.) Water and Society from Ancient Times to the Present: Resilience, Decline and Revival, Routledge, UK.
Gunawardhana, P., (2018). Ritual and economy reconsidered at Siva Devale No.2, Polonnaruva, In Gunawardhana, P. & Robin Coningham (Eds.) Buddha Rashmi Vesak Volume: Essays in Buddhism and Buddhist Monastic Archaeology, Colombo: Central Cultural fund.
Gunawardhana, P., (2018). Recent excavations and survey at Jaffna Fort in 2017 and reflections on the antiquity of Indian Ocean trade, In Gunawardhana, P. & Robin Coningham (Eds.) Buddha Rashmi Vesak Volume: Essays in Buddhism and Buddhist Monastic Archaeology (pp.1-7), Colombo: Central Cultural Fund.
Gunawardhana, P., (2017). Archaeology and cosmopolitanism in Early Historic and Medieval Sri Lanka, In Biedermann, Z. and Alan Strathern (Eds.) Sri Lanka: At the Crossroads of History, London: UCL Press.
Editorial Consultations
- Editorial and Content Chair of the Inaugural Annual Senake Bandaranayake Symposium on Sri Lankan Archaeology, Organized by the Department of Archaeology Faculty of Social Sciences and the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 2023.
- Editorial Board Member of The Contemporary Issues in Socio-economic Development, In Honour of Professor Herath Madana Bandara, Neptune Publications, Pelawatta-2021
- Editor in chief of the Archaeologia, Vol II (part 3) Published by the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya-2021
- Editor of the Alahana Parivena Project-Polonnaruwa: Archaeological Research and Excavation Report-2017,Central Cultural Fund, Colombo-2018
- Editor of the Alahana Parivena Project- Polonnaruwa: Archaeological Research and Excavation Report-2016,Central Cultural Fund, Colombo-2018
- Editor of the Alahana Parivena project-Polonnaruwa, Archaeological Research and Excavation Report-2015,Central Cultural Fund, Colombo-2018
- Editor with Robin Conimgham, Buddha Rashmi Vesak Volume, Essays in Buddhism and Buddhist Monastic Archaeology, Central Cultural Fund, Colombo-2018
- Editor with Robin Coningham and Krishnan Nampoothiri, Buddha Rashmi Vesak Volume, Central Cultural Fund, Colombo-2017
- Editor of the Conservation of Buddhist Monasteries,Bauddha Vihararama Samrakshanaya saha Samwardhanaya, Volume 1, Central Cultural Fund,Colombo-2017
- Ediotor of the Buddhist monasteries-Conservation and Development, Bauddha Vihararama-Samrakshanaya saha samwardhanaya,Volume,11, Part 1,Central Cultural Fund,Colombo-2017
- Editor of the Buddhist Monasteries-Conservation and Development, Bauddha Vihararama- Samrakshanaya saha samwardhanaya, Volume-11,part,2,Central Cultural Fund, Colombo-2017
- Editor with W.Wijayapala et.al Sandagiri Stupa Puja, Central Cultural Fund, Colombo.2016
- Editor with Jagath Weerasinghe, State Academic Vesak Volume, Neptune Publication, Colombo.2016
- Editor with G. Adikari and R.A.E Coningham- Sirinimal Lakdusinghe Felicitation Volume, Neptune Publication Sri Lanka- 2010
- Editor of the Abstract Volume of the B.A Dissertation in Archaeology, S. Godage, Colombo-2010.
- Editor of the Collection of Social Sciences Research, S. Godage, Colombo-2010
- Editor of the Essays of Vedda Society in Sri Lanka, Neptune Publication-2010
- Editor of the Introduction to Anthropology, S. Godage, Colombo-2009
- Editor of the Seethavaka Heritage, organized by the Ministry of Urban Development Authority, Published by S Godage, Colombo-2009
- Editor of the Archaeologia Vol I, II, III , IV and Published by the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya 2005, 2006,2007, 2008,2009
- Member of the Editorial Board, Purathana, Central Cultural Fund, Colombo.2005
- Editor with R.A.E Coningham- Essays in Archaeology: In Honour of Professor H.T.Basnayake Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 2005.
- Editor Consultant of the Sri Lanka Heritage Vol. 2, The Magazine of Heritage Sri Lanka, Seya Prints and Prints Ltd, Colombo. 2004
- Editor of the Essays in Archaeology: In Honour of Professor Senake Bandaranayke Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 2003
- Editor of the Sarasavi Vol I, II and III Published by the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya 1998, 2004 and 2006
- Editor of the Paryeshana Vol 2, 3 and 4 Published by the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya 1990 - 1992
- CO-Director of the Sri Lanka - China Archaeological Project, organized by the Central Cultural Fund and Shanghai Museum. From 2018.
- CO-Director of the Jaffna Post-disaster Archaeological Research Project, organized by the Central Cultural Fund in collaboration with Universities of Durham, Stirling, Leicester, Bradford in the United Kingdom and Baroda in India.2016-2018
- CO-Director of the Polonnaruwa Heritage Project, organized by the Central Cultural Fund and East China Normal University.2016
- CO-Director of the Polonnaruwa Archaeological and Anthropological Research Project, organized by the Central Cultural Fund in collaboration with Universities of Durham, Stirling, Leicester, Bradford in the United Kingdom and Baroda in India.2015-2016
- Coordinator: Archaeological Heritage Project, Eastern Province,Sri Lanka, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. From 2014.
- A Sri Lankan Member of the Lumbini and Kapailavastu Archaeology Project in Nepal, organized by the Nepal Government and the University of Durham,UK- From 2014.
- Director of the Archaeological Survey Program of Vavunia, Northern Province of Sri Lanka organized by the Sri Lanka Heritage Institute, 2013
- CO-Director of the Upper Malwatu-Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, organized by the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya in collaboration with Universities of Durham, Stirling, Leicester, Bradford in the United Kingdom and Baroda in India.2004-2009.
- Director of the Archaeological Heritage Institute, Kiribathgoda, Sri Lanka, established under the license of the Government Archaeological Survey Department, Colombo.
Other Positions and Appointments
- Steering Committe member and Workshop Coordinator of the University of Kelaniya and Latrobe University Workshop on Archaeology, Anthropology and Tourism for Junior Researchers, Organized by the Department of Archaeology Faculty of Social Sciences and the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka and Department of Archaeology and History, LA Trobe University Australia. 2023
- Steering Committee Member and the Session Chair of the Inaugural Annual Senake Bandaranayake Symposium on Sri Lankan Archaeology 2023, Organized by the Department of Archaeology Faculty of Social Sciences and the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 2023
- Resource Person: The Second Kathmandu Cultural Forum, Hosted by Ministry of the People’s Republic of China, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Nepal- 2016
- Resource Person: High Level Delegation of Buddhist Priests and Academicians to Visit Lahore, Islamabad, Taxila and Other Holy Buddhist sites in Pakistan- April 2016
- Resource Person: Co-director Polonnaruwa Capacity Building Programme, Organized by East China Normal University and Central Cultural Fund, 2016
- Resource Person: Co-director Polonnaruwa Anthropological Research Project, Organized by Central Cultural Fund and Durham University, UK-Season 1 2015
- Resource Person for the Eastern Heritage Project, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 2014
- Resource Person for the Aitken Spence Travels Ltd, Sri Lanka. 200
- Resource Person of the Literary Festival of Sri Lanka held at Polonnaruwa, Ministry of Cultural Affairs and National Heritage, Colombo-2009
- Resources Person of the Kalyani Darshi Fiftieth Anniversary Educational Exhibition, University of Kelaniya, 2009
- Resource Person of the Dayata Kirula Educational Exhibition, University Grant Commision-2007
- Resources Person of the Seethavaka Urumaya Educational Exhibition, Ministry of Urban Development Authority
- Resource Person for Aitken Spence Travels Ltd, Sri Lanka. 2006.
- Organizer & Resource Person - Workshop of the Third Season of the Upper Malwatu Oya Archaeological Exploration project University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka. 2006.
- Organizer & Resource Person for the Workshop of the Third Field Season of the Upper Malwatu Oya Exploration project in collaboration with Universities of Durham, Stirling, Leister and Bradford in UK. 2006
- Resource Person for the Department of Archaeological Survey, Colombo 2006
- Organized the staff Development Programme to the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya in connection with Postgraduate Degree of the University of Bradford in UK.2006
- Organizer and Resource Person for the Workshop at Ibbankatuwa Megalithic Burial site Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 2006
- Resource Person of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 2006
- Organizer & Resource Person - Workshop of the Second Season of the Upper Malwatuoya Archaeological Exploration Project University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka. 2005 July-August
- Organizer & Resource Person for the Second Field Season of the Upper Malwatuoya Archaeological Exploration Project University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka. 2005 July-August
- Organizer & Resource Person - Workshop of the Second Season of the Upper Malwatuoya Archaeological Exploration Project Universities of Kelaniya Sri Lanka. 2005 March-April
- Organizer & Resource Person - Workshop of the second field season of the Upper Malwatuoya Archaeological Exploration project Universities of Kelaniya Sri Lanka. 2005 March - April
- Participant for the National Library and information, organized by the Research Center for Social Sciences. University of Kelaniya. 2005.
- Resource Person to amend the Archaeological Act, Ministry of Cultural Affairs and National Heritage. Colombo. 2005
- Resource person for the National Library and Documentation Services Board, No. 14, Independence Avenue, Colombo 07.
- Organizer of Archaeology Exhibition of the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya.
- Resource Person and Researcher in Programme for the Tsunami 12/4 Survey of the Cultural Property to the Affected Area, ICOMOS, Sri Lanka, 2005
- Organizer and Resource Person for the workshop at Ibbankatuwa Megalithic Burial site Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya.2005
- Resource Person for the Department of Archaeological Survey for the Impact Assessment of the Archaeological Heritage in Sri Lanka, Colombo 2004
- Organizer of the Workshop for the Preparation of the Presentation for Archaeology Special Undergraduates, University of Kelaniya. 2004
- Resource Person for the Board of Examiners, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ruhuna. 2004
- Participant of the Workshop on Quality Assurance for Member of the Senate, University of Kelaniya. 2003
- Organizer of the Three Year Archaeological Survey Project of Heritage of Kelani valley as a Staff and Student Development Programme for the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 2003-2006
- Three year Development Plan Prepared for the Teaching Museum of the Development of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, 2003-2006
- Resource Person for the Board of Examiners, Department of Archaeological Survey, Colombo. 2001
- Resource Person for the Archaeological Heritage Management Training Programme for the Maldives, UNESCO, Department of Fine Arts and Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya.
- Participant for the SEEDA/SAREC Regional Development Research Project, University of Kelaniya 1998
- Resource Person for the Prevention of Historical Archaeological Heritage in North Western Province, Ministry of Education, Cultural Affairs and Rural Development, North Western Province, Kurunegala.-1998
- Course Personal in Certificate Course in the Conservation of Cultural Property, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 1993
- Organizer and the Resource Person of the SAREC Project of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 1992
- Resource Person of the Second National Archaeological Congress, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. 1990
Positions in the University system
- Director, Research Council, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, 2020
- Competent Authority, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology from 2017-2018
- Acting Director – Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, 2015 to 2016 (time to time)
- Deputy Student Counselor of the Faculty of Social Sciences. 2004
- Head/ Department of Archaeology from 2003 to 2009
- Committee Member, University Teachers Association, University of Kelaniya, 1997/1998
- Student Counselor. – 1993/94, 96/97, 2003/2004 Academic Years, University of Kelaniya
Indicators Esteemed
- A fellow of the Sri Lanka Council of Archaeologists, Colombo.
- A member of the Sri Lanka Numismatics Society, Colombo.
- A member of the Sri Lanka Historical Association, Colombo.
- A member of the SAREP Project Coordinated by Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya.
- A member of the Board of Management of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, from 2003-2018.
- A member of the Society of South Asian Archaeology, India.
- A member of the Senate of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- A member of the Archaeological Impact Assessment Project, National Archaeological Department, Sri Lanka
- A member of the Advisory Board of the National Archaeological Department, Colombo.2006
- A member of the Royal Asiatic Society, Sri Lanka Branch, Colombo.
- A member of the Commonwealth Scholarship Association, UK
- Joint Secretary, Sri Lanka Council
Curriculum Copyright (Introducing the new courses, subject streams for the B.A degree program and Master level students)
- MA / MSSc in Archaeology- 2006
- Diploma in Archaeological Heritage-2007
- Diploma in Anthropology-2007
- Tourism and Cultural Resources Management (General Degree) -2007
- Tourism and Cultural Resources Management (Special Degree) - 2007
- Anthropology (General Degree)-2008
- Tourism and Cultural Resource Management (External Degree)-2008
- Anthropology (External Degree)-2008
- Diploma in Ancient Arts-2009
Quality Assurance
- A member of the Examination Board of the Archaeological Survey Department,Colombo.
- A member of the Examination Board of the Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ruhuna.
- A member of the Examination Board of the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya.
- A member of the Examination Board of CODL, University of Kelaniya.
- A member of the Examination Board of the National Library Association.
- A member of the Evaluation for Postgraduate Degree, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya.
- Visiting Lecturer, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya.
- Resources Person of the MA/ MSSc in Archaeology, University of Kelaniya
- Resources person of the Diploma in Archaeological Heritage, University of Kelaniya
- Resources Person of the Diploma in Anthropology, University of Kelaniya
- A member of the Examination Board of Pali and Buddhist University, Homagama.
Archaeological Impact Assessment Experiences
- Survey at Vavunia Region of Northern Province, funded by the Irrigation Department of Sri Lanka-2013
- Survey at Kandalama Region, funded by the Ministery of Mahaveli Development of Sri Lanka-2011
- Excavation of the Kohobaketiya Tank Area, funded by the Board of investment of Sri Lanka-2009
- Survey of the Embilipitiya Region, funded by the Board of investment of Sri Lanka-2009
- Survey of the Kohombaketiya Tank, funded by the Irrigation Department of Sri Lanka-2008
International research projects
- Sri Lanka China Archaeological Project, organized by the Central Cultural Fund and Shanghai Museum. From 2018 up to now.
- Jaffna Post disaster Archaeological Research Project, organized by the Central Cultural Fund in collaboration with Universities of Durham, Stirling, Leicester, Bradford in the United Kingdom and Baroda in India.2016-2018
- Polonnaruwa Heritage Project, organized by the Central Cultural Fund and East China Normal University. 2016
- Polonnaruwa Archaeological and Anthropological Research Project, organized by the Central Cultural Fund in collaboration with Universities of Durham, Stirling, Leicester, Bradford in the United Kingdom and Baroda in India.2015-2016
- Upper Malwatu Oya Archaeological Exploration Project, organized by the Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya in collaboration with Universities of Durham, Bradford, Stirling and Leicester 2004-2000
- Sarep Settlement Survey Project, organized by the Post graduate institute of Archaeology with Government of Sweden 1990-1994
- Kava Research Project, organized by the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology and Germany 1989.
National Research Projects
- Waragda Archaeological Site -2010-2011
- Terracotta Figurins of Sri Lanka 2009-2012
- Vedda Study of Sri Lanka-2009-2012
- Kelani Valley: Heritage of Archaeological Landscape Project, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, 2004 -2010
- Ibbankatuwa: Maintenance and Workshop Programme, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya, 2004 -2010
National Contributions
- Member of Advisory Board of Department of Archaeology, 2018-19
- Secretary of the Sri Lanka Council of Archaeologists-2012
- Member of the Executive Body in Sri Lanka Council of Archaeologists-2011.
- Member of the Advisory Board for the Act of Law and Ordinance in Archaeology; Ministry of Cultural Affairs and National Heritage, 2004
- Member of the Impact Assessment of Archaeology, Survey Department Colombo from 2004 to up to date.
- Member of the Quality Improvement for History and Archaeology, Ministry of Cultural affairs and National Heritage. 2004
- Director of the Tsunami Survey Team, affected sites and monuments. 2004
- Member of the Board of Management, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya. From 2003 to 2019)
- Member of the Advisory Board for the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Northwestern Province, Sri Lanka. 1997
- Coordinator of Photographic Exhibition in Anuradhapura Hinterland, Senake Bandaranayake Gallery, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, Colombo, 2014
- Coordinator of the Archaeology Exhibition of Seethawaka Heritage atAvissawella, 2009
- Coordinator of the Archaeology Exhibition, BMICH.2008
- Coordinator of the Archaeology Exhibition, University of Kelaniya, 2007
2024 - State Literary Award for Best Research
2024 - Vice Chancellor’s Award for Best Promoter of International Relations, University of Kelaniya
2009 - Vice-Chancellor’s award for the Best Researcher of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya
2008 - Vice Chancellor’s awards for the Best Researcher of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya
2007 - Vice Chancellor’s awards for the Best Researcher of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya
2006 - Vice Chancellor’s award for the Outstanding Promoter for the international Relation, University of Kelaniya
2001-2003 Award of the Commonwealth Scholarship to University of Bradford, UK
1998 - Award of the Cultural Asset and Preservation Technology, University of Shiga, Japan